9 - Until the Rain Stops

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Is it just our bodies?
Are we both losing our minds?
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight
'Cause we're scared to be lonely?  


Keith made his way through the halls. He kept clenching his fists, relaxing them, only to clench them again. It was a nervous habit of his. Keith breathed shakily. He had no clue what was going to happen or what the Queen wanted. He just hoped that he wouldn't have to transform again. This time there were actual guards in front of the throne room doors. They took one look at Keith and moved to the sides.

He took a deep breath and walked in. The Queen sat at the throne. Her lower set of hands sat flat against her legs, while the other two fiddled with some strange object. Her tentacle-like hair was unruly and messy, as if she had scrunched it up. She looked angry and when she noticed Keith, her jaw clenched tightly shut.


"Care to explain to me why you took the neckla-" She cut off abruptly, looking at Keith's chest. Keith looked down at the cursed trinket that hung from his neck. "You didn't take it off. I made it so it would be impossible to be put back on, unless by me."

Keith glanced back at her. The Queen stared at his face for a moment. "I assume you're just as confused as I am?" Keith numbly nodded, his eyebrows furrowing. "I get transmissions from the necklace. Don't worry, I am not always listening, but I have a bot that filters it. It only alerts me when there has been a suspicious thought or action."

Keith stood in place. He usually would've glared or anything particularly hot-headed as Lance would put it, but Keith felt too scared. He saw the monster that hid inside of him, he did not want to see it again. 

"However, a varga and a half ago, all transmissions ceased. My bot waited to test to see if it was an interference caused by certain foods or... particular emotions, but nothing came in. No results, nothing! It's something I haven't seen in a long time. So, what was it?" She stood and walked closer to Keith. She squinted her gold eyes to closely examine him. 

"I don't know," Keith spoke wearily. He looked up to face the Queen. He got a strange burst of confidence. Keith straightened up and added, "That scares you, doesn't it? There's nothing you can do about it either."

He felt pleasure at the fact that the Queen hadn't smiled once since he got here. She glared at him. Keith figured he would pay for this later, but now he felt great.

"Go." The Queen gave in, "I still have important things to attend to, so I shouldn't need to see you again until tomorrow at the soonest." She turned and sat in the throne. Keith turned and walked out. The doors shut behind him. He had no clue where Lance was, but he wandered around the halls

Keith passed several rooms and he was sure he walked in a couple circles. After a while he began to feel frustrated, so he stopped and closed his eyes. Taking deep breathes, he stood until he heard a loud laugh. Keith twisted around and ran in that direction. He burst through a door and saw Marf laughing and Lance had was smirking.

"Did I miss a joke?" Keith inquired. Lance's gaze darted to Keith and inhaled sharply. He struggled to his feet and hobbled to Keith. "Wha-" Lance caught him in a hug. Keith stiffened at first but relaxed in Lance's comforting heat. "What?"

"I'm not stupid," Lance whispered and he held Keith tighter. Keith furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"I know. That's all I'll say. But we are here together, so we might as well be there for each other. No fighting. Only compromises, right?" He pulled away to look at Keith.

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