~Turn Of Events~

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Holden's P.O.V.

I groaned just when I felt something like a stabbed wound on my stomach, it feels like it's slowly ripping me in the inside. It feels as if I'm slowly starting to lose my mind because of the pain I could really feel.

"Hyung, are you okay? Does anything hurt?" I gently open my eyes just when I heard Changkyun's voice ringing in my ear, he was knelling beside me and then I realized that I was lying on my bed.

"Where are the other members? Are they safe? Is anyone of them hurt?" I asked hurriedly and attempted to sit up but I felt a piercing pain on my stomach and was about to fall on the bed with such force, good thing Changkyun has fast reflexes and was able to assist me while letting my whole body fall on the bed.

"Hyung, calm down. You're stressing yourself and making your wound bleed, don't you know we are all worried and restless last night? No one knows when you'll wake up or will you even wake up"

Just when Changkyun mentioned that, I looked down on my stomach area and saw a bandage wrapped around my waist and also torso. And on the waist bandage, I saw blood stains on them... Then I suddenly remembered, I was stabbed by the leader of Pentagon... Though I'm not sure how on Earth did I even came home...

"I'm hungry, what did Kihyun cook?" Wanting to change the topic as I don't really want to talk about the encounter we had with Pentagon, things will get messy now that we have two mafia's that's all after the money.

"Wait, I'll go and get your food. Just stay here and don't move, it's hard to change that bandage wrapped around your torso" Changkyun then stood up and walked out of my room but I noticed that he has eye bugs under his eyes.... It looks like as if he wasn't able to take a lovely nap last night.

When the door was locked I looked down on my torso and noticed that I was shirtless... Whoever did this to me if one of the boys I'm really going to kill them-  wait, no one knows how to wrap bandages properly, who could've probably cured me last night? I tried to unwrap the bandage around me but was really surprised to see that it was indeed properly wrapped around my body as if a doctor came here to check on me...

Wait, what if a doctor really did? Those boys gets panic-stricken whenever my life is the one in the line, they would do reckless things especially Hyungwon who does nothing but sleep. Even his brain is sleeping.

After a few minutes of waiting, Changkyun still hasn't came back, I'm not just hungry now but I'm also thirsty as well. I need water to please and cleanse my very dry throat.

Feeling really independent, I practiced standing up, telling myself to just ignore the pain in my stomach area and forced myself to stand up. It took me maybe 3 times before I could finally sit on the bed but pain was still hurting me in the inside. After a few minutes of bearing the pain inside, I then finally decided to stand up and forced myself to walk towards the kitchen. I almost fell many times but I didn't really fell, it's just I'm losing my balance sometimes and held onto the fresh wound, trying to press it non stop to stop the blood from oozing out.

"Changkyun, where are you?" I asked, there were no one in the kitchen and also in the living room but I as I went to the fridge to get a pitcher of water, I suddenly collapsed on the floor and lost my balance creating noise.

"Oh my gosh, why are you standing up? You have to lie down!" Then out of the blue Selene suddenly came towards me and started assisting me to stand up, I stared at her clueless on why she's free, wondering around our house where she can easily escape anytime.

"Why are you here, outside your room? Shouldn't you be locked up? Changkyun-"

"Don't call him, I ordered him to sleep since he has many eye bugs under his eyes. He didn't sleep that well last night and his head is already hurting"

"That doesn't mean you can still go and walk around our house like this-" She was about to go when I pulled her wrist back and pinned her on the wall but then  my stomach got hurt and so I held on the wall for support. Selene looked at me worriedly and also at the wound I have on my stomach, the dried blood strain on the bandage earlier was now replaced by new ones.

"You're bleeding again, I have to change your bandage but you have to help me too"

"Go away" I gently pushed her away but that just made me stumble, Selene immediately caught me and prevented me from falling.

"Just listen to me okay? Your wound isn't yet still healed so I need you to just rest, your sudden movement caused the stitches to open again. I have to heal you but you also have to help me"

What kind of scenario is this? The hostage healing her captor? What a very funny thing to witness, she seems dumb to help a person like me who did nothing but get mad at her because of her stepfather's fault and debt to me.

But without further ado, I gladly accepted her help and slung my arm around her small frame to support my weight as she slowly leads me back to my room again. She helped me to lie down on my bed and let me feel comfortable.

"Just wait here, don't move and please, just listen to me even for a short while" And just like that, Selene disappeared, I thought she wouldn't come back but my hunch was really wrong. She came back carrying medical stuffs and bandages of course.

"It'll be good if your uncosious becaue you wouldn't be able to feel the pain, but since you're awake it'll be a bit painful" She explains just as she started cutting the bandage on my stomach, I looked away when I saw the stab wound placed on my body and just stared elsewhere as Selene then started healing the wound.

"I can tolerate the pain, just stitch it up"

With my approval, I could feel Selene wiping the oozing blood from the wound and placing something on it, maybe an ointment to stop the wound from bleeding even more. Then I started to feel as if my skin is being sewed so I closed my eyes and clenched my fist when I felt my skin being stabbed by hundreds of needles.

"It's done" Selene spoke and was about to walk out of my room but I stopped her by saying these words...

"Aren't you afraid of me? I was the one who ordered my men to kidnap you nd yet you're treating me? Are you out of your mind?" Selene stopped walking and turned her head towards me slightly.

"Maybe I am, because if I'm not then I would've already let you die. I would've let you feel the pain and lonelines when you were unconsious"

"But no, I don't want people to die, I wanted to give them a chance to live and as long as it's still not a person's time to go, I will do everything to help and save his life"

"Where are the others? What did you do to them?" I asked boldly, hoping that nothing bad ever happened to them.

"They were all also badly beaten, they all have bruises and black eyes but no one was stabbed like you. I told them to rest and it was Changkyun who let me enter the kitchen, he doesn't know how to cook so I voluneteered."

"Wait, I'll just bring your breakfast. I bumped in to Changkyun earlier and he said you requested your breakfast"

Selene went out of my room and came back within a few minutes, she was carrying a tray full of foods which I'm sure she cooked since the food looks foreign but pleasing to my eyes. She placed the tray on my lap and assisted me while sitting up so I can eat without the stab wound hurting.

"Are you just going to stare at me while I eat? It makes me too uncomfortable" Selene didn't respond but instead stared at me even more, I got creeped out but as time passes by, I got used to it and let her stare at me while I'm eating.

"I'm done"

"I'll head out now, I still have to visit the other members. Just call me if there's something you need" She spoke and took the tray from me, she walked out of my room as I closed my eyes... What on Earth is happening here?

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