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aye, so ehm, imliteraly now only making this for fun XD
i was gunna stop at two chapters, but then.
i thought it was fun.
hope you enjoy because i actualy dont like to rush relation ships because i think it takes off from the story.
so next chapter might be the one where the romance happens, but probably wont end up with each other.
its like in soul eater how your constantly yelling at the screen for soul and maka to get togther XD.
welp, enjoy!~
(also tell me if you want me to add a name instead of having it be (your name).
choose a name!
- lilac

-your POV-

i woke up to have this pain in my head, oh wait of course i do, my dad had smashed my head onto the desk 100 times.
i looked arround the room tosee that i was in my room and was crowded.
"ur..h-hi?" i said shaky voice because i had just waken up.
"(your name)! your awake!" shiemi said as she gave me a hug.
it didnt hurt though, so i guess thats a good sighn.
she let go and i got up and tried to walk, like some one would when they got out of the bed after 4 years, i stumbled but was still able to stand.
though being the clutz i am i kind of fell and my bad luck lead me to fall onto rin which ended up whith him catching me..
"hehe you ok?" rin said as i nodded and got out of his gripp.
the room was silent as i walked arround getting used to my state in health.
"yukio? do you know where my phone is, i want to call aya" i said with a face of a worried mom.
he handed me my phone and i daiald the numbers.
shit! shes in school though,she might get in trouble.
i thought as i was waiting for her to pick up.
"(your name)? whats up, did something happen, you usualy would not call me durring class unless if it were important, your lucky that my teachers letting me take this!" she said angry and worried.
"aya, dad found me, im safe though! but i wanted to see if you were ok is all! i was scared that he took you away or-" i said but was cut off.
"WAIT HE DID! no! (your name) PLEASE! please dont tell me you got hurt!" aya said scared.
"i-i did get hurt... but im doing fine!" i said trying to calm her down.
"no! when you say that that meens something bad happend! im coming to true cross to see you! wait for me." aya said as she then hung up.

aya's POV

i had gotten a call from my sister so i asked the teacher if i could take my call saying that my sister would only call if something bad hapend to a faily memeber.
but i didnt think that dad would find her, i thought it would be just her getting a broken arm and needing to see me, but no.
i had to go.
my whole class had heard me talking seeing as the teacher told me to stay in class to take the all and they all had worried expressions.
when i said true cross a lot of them looked seriously worried.
"teacher! i have to go! this is important! my sister is horribly injured!she could have been killed! please let me go see her!" i said tears starting to form.
"is it that important, well i dont see why not, your call sounded serious, you meantioned true cross academi as well, alright! fine. i call the principal." my teacher said with a worried expression.
"but tomaorrow when you get back you have to tell us what happend." she said.
"i will!" i said grabbing my bag and rushing trough the door and outside the bulding.
once i was outside i got on a bus and was going to true cross academi.
i would soon be there.

your POV

the room was empty it was only me, shiemi had invited me and izumo to a sleepover to have a bit of fun.
so i would be going to that tonight.
the door opend and i saw the one and only, rin.
"h-hey..(your name)..you doing ok?" rin said.
"yeah, im fine, though you seem sad so tell me, how are you doing?" i said in my usual tone of voice.
"im ok, but i regret not fighting your dad." rin said looking down, how dramatic.
"hey! im fine! dont worry aout my dad!" i said.
"its hard not to when the one you lo- well, when the one person thats in your class gets hurt right before your eyes!" he says with a slight blush.
i got up and hugged him.
and he hugged me back.
i will say that i was cryig druing the hug as well because, no one has ever cared about me before.
well i guess besides my mom.
"(your name) i have to say something to you.." rin says pulling away from the hug as i stared into his blue eyes.
"yes? what is it"i asked.
"i- i like-" he was cut of by aya bursting through the door and takling me.
"ACK! AYA!" i said hurting form my back hitting the ground.
"woah! slow down im fine! see, well, kind of fine.." i said,voice shaky.
"AHH! sorry!" aya said still crying a bit.
"did you really have to takle me...ouch" i said petting the back of my head.
"again..sorry" aya said no longer crying but still sad.
we talked for the rest of the evening till she had to go and i had to go to my sleepover.
i looked at rin and said "so what were you going to say?".
"oh uhm.. its nothing you go have fun nd get out of this cramped room!" rin says as he hugs me and pushes me out the door.
"hmm, whatever..guess its nothing..but he said i like.. could he have a crush, or does he just like something and wanted to make me laugh..
whatever it was i guess it wasnt important." i sighed.
does he like...me?

1069 words ;)
im sorry.
the next part i promise will be a bit more fun to make.
this was just me getting the story to make sense.
so yeah.
:3 bai

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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