Dirty Dancing

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Thank you vividlife13 for requesting this and I'm really sory it so late but I hope you like it. (And put any song if you don't like this one.)

As always you were the first one at the dance studio so you could stretch and dance while no one was there.
Sometimes it's quite relaxing just to dance alone.
I started dancing and I didn't hear someone come in cause the music was pretty loud hehe.
They came up behind me and scared the crap out of me. (Yes there is a big mirror there but I didn't pay attention to it so I didn't see)
I turned around to see who the mystery person was only to find (C/N).
'Hey (Y/N)'
'Jesus (C/N) you scared the living crap out of me. Don't do that you ass' I said while blushing.
'Sorry you just seemed to have so much fun and you looked quite relaxed'
'Never mind..you need anything?' I asked his still quite annoyed.
'You need company??' He asked while doing the most cutest puppy eyes I have ever seen.
'Fine you can join me while dancing but no funny business' I said while smirking and laughing at him.
'We'll see..' He said while smirking.
We were dancing and making fun of each other for about half and hour before everyone came into the studio.
We were all practicing and having fun which was great until..
'Yo, (Y/N) I challenge you to a dance off' yelled (C/N) while getting his sweaty hair out of his face.
'Hm....let me think about it.HELL YES IT'S ON'
My best friend (B/F/N) put Strip That Down by Liam Payne.
(C/N) started and damn he can move but so can I.
He stopped and I just went along and started dancing after him.
I got to much into dancing that I didn't realize (C/N) came up behind me and started dancing with me. (Not in a dirty way you dirty human😂😅jk love you guys)
He putted his hands on my hips as we danced together.The dance looked so dirty but we didn't mind.We were having a lot I mean A LOT of fun.The song ended and we high fived each other.
'Andddd....the winner is.....oh..would you look at that it's a tie hehehe' said (B/F/N) while laughing.
'Well good job (C/N) you nailed it!' You said while blushing.
'Thank you (Y/N) but you did it way better' said (C/N) while walking closer to you.
'Um.. (Y/N) I have to ask you something'
'Ask away (C/N) I'm listening'
I said while putting my arms around his neck and him putting his arms around my waist.
'Would you..um...like to go out with me?' He asked nervously while I was looking in he's beautiful (E/C) eyes.
'It's ok if you don't feel the same I get it I just hope we can stay fri...'
I cut him off by kissing him.
he looked surprised and was a blushing mess like me.
'Yes (C/N) I would like to go out with you'
'I love you (Y/N)'
'I love you too'
We kissed again while (B/F/N) was taking a picture. I will have to kill her later heheh.

There you go guys I hope you like it and thank you again vividlife13 for requesting this and sorry it's so late.Hope you guys like it and I hope you request more cause this is a lot of fun to write.
Have a great day love ya🔥💖

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