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"Threw days left, children! Three days left!" Miss Peregrines booming voice could be hears over all in the tight space they had been given. "What? Only ten days? Five years ago it was sixty-four days! How can this time it only be ten?" Emma glowered, obviously not happy with the arrangements.

 "What? Only ten days? Five years ago it was sixty-four days! How can this time it only be ten?" Emma glowered, obviously not happy with the arrangements

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The other peculiars didn't seem bothered, and the 1940s weren't listening, only paying attention to HUGH at the computer and ENOCH on the screen. "MY, ENOCH. EVERYONE SEEMS TO DRAW YOU WITHOUT A SMILE. NOW NEUTRAL." Stated MILLARD, smugly, knowing it would get under ENOCH'S skin. ENOCH glared at him and said:"WELL, ITS NOT MY FAULT PEOPLE SEE ME THAT WAY." "YOU MEAN JUST THE WAY YOU ARE?" EMMA raised an eyebrow; ENOCH blushed. Suddenly, JACOB barged past HUGH at turned on YouTube.

"LISTEN, IT'S A SONG. WHAT EMMA SAID REMINDED ME OF IT. ITS FROM MY TIME." Explained JACOB. They all listened as JACOB hummed along. Jake wandered over and said:"May I join you?" "WHY OF COURSE! SING WITH ME, FRIEND!" Shouted JACOB, for he knew that if Jake was anything like himself then he would. And he was right. The pair began singing high and low, creating a tremendous racket. Emma, clapping her hands over her ears, walked over with Fiona and Hugh and shoved her hand against Jakes mouth. Jake, who had clearly been taken by surprise, stopped singing and looked at her questioningly. "No Jake. Just, no." She said, grabbing his hand. "HI GUYS, SORRY, WERE THEY INTERRUPTING YOU?" MILLARDS head jerked towards a blushing JACOB and a cringing Jake. "I can't quite believe they are the same person." Said Emma sarcastically. Fiona and Hugh giggled as  stood behind her, which caught BRONWYNS attention. "YOU GUYS ARE TWELVE, RIGHT?" She asked hopefully. "Actually, we're thirteen, but pretty close." Said Hugh. "OH, WELL, WOULD YOU CONSIDER MAKING FRIENDS WITH ENOCH?" She asked them hopefully. "WHY?" ENOCH sighed. "Um, sure. I mean, if you want us to. Right, Hugh?" Fiona nudged him. Hugh, who had obviously been Paton no attention whatsoever, quickly answered:"Yes." As he, Emma, Fiona, and Jake walked away, he quickly whispered to Fiona:"What did I agree to again?" "Befriend Enoch." She answered. "Oh god." He replied, raising his hand and combing it through his hair.

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