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Bronwyn giggled

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Bronwyn giggled. "I remember that!" She squealed. "Us too! We were fighting Hollows!" Exclaimed Hugh. "And Enoch saved Olives life!" Added Fiona. Enoch blushed brighter then the bull's blood that covered his jumper from last high when he had been playing with some bull's organs. "Miss Peregrine had been taken away!" Said Claire. "And now we're all OK." Finalized Millard. The rest of the young children nodded in agreement. Jake, getting rather bored, swiped the screen.

BRONWYN shrugged

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BRONWYN shrugged. "ITS BETTER THEN PREVIOUS ONES, I GUESS." She. "YOU DON'T LOOK VERY HAPPY, THOUGH. WHY?" CLAIRE questioned, tugging onto BRONWYNS sleeve. BRONWYN bent over to pick her up. "MAYBE ITS WHEN MISS PEREGRINE WAS TAKEN AWAY." She suggested. CLAIRE nodded and shuffled about a bit, wanting to be put down.

"OMG I LOVE THIS!" EMMA exclaimed, using some of JACOBS modern slang he had previously taught her

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"OMG I LOVE THIS!" EMMA exclaimed, using some of JACOBS modern slang he had previously taught her. "YEAH, ITS GREAT. I WISH I COULD SAVE THIS." Said JACOB, putting his arm round EMMA, hugging her tightly. "WELL, WHATS THIS FOR?" She asked with a sly smirk. "OH, JUST BECAUSE I LOVE YOU." He answered. "EWW!" Giggled CLAIRE and OLIVE. The peculiars around them laughed, all apart from ENOCH, but that was to be expected.

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