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A/N: Ok, I've just read through some comments and some readers are being sceptical. It doesn't matter what I wrote earlier so please just go along with the story and stop correcting me. Theres not much but I don't really like it, so please, any scepticism, keep it to yourselves. Another thing is that I know who the actors and actresses are, I was just using their names as artists for fun. I don't need to be corrected all the time~ Megan

Claire grinned at the Twins, who she could only assume were grinning back

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Claire grinned at the Twins, who she could only assume were grinning back. She looked up at Olive with pleading eyes, so the fire princess lifted her upon her lap, as she sat down in the now empty chair, and let the small girl laugh and giggle at the picture for a while. The others had lost interest a long while ago, and were now trying to keep themselves occupied in a new way. Fiona was sat on the floor growing flowers, Horace was trying to get her to stand up, Hugh was doing tricks with his bees, Enoch was arguing about something random with Jake, Emma was floating high in the air whilst Bronwyn tried to catch her. The Twins also stayed watching the computer intently, and Millard was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, the children heard a thunder off feet coming to stop nearby, and saw Miss Peregrine walking behind some floating clothes, obviously Millard

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Suddenly, the children heard a thunder off feet coming to stop nearby, and saw Miss Peregrine walking behind some floating clothes, obviously Millard. She smiled at the children and walked over, silently deciding to come join them. Olive happily let Claire swipe at the screen to reveal a nicely drawn image of Miss Peregrine herself. She smirked, seeming rather satisfied. "Well, looks like I came at the right time, didn't I?" The children smiled at one another, instantly getting what she was talking about. But, almost as soon as she came, she left in a breeze.

 But, almost as soon as she came, she left in a breeze

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EMMA frowned. "HONESTLY, SOME OF THE WAYS PEOPLE PORTRAY US MAKE US LOOK LIKE ANGRY SAVAGES." JACOB sniffled a laugh and shakily patted his girlfriends shoulder. She looked up at him, her face etched with annoyance. "SHUT IT, PORTMAN." She muttered, pushing his hand away. She leaned over HORACE'S shoulder to flip onto the next picture, holding it wouldn't be like the last, despite the artist being crazy good.

 She leaned over HORACE'S shoulder to flip onto the next picture, holding it wouldn't be like the last, despite the artist being crazy good

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To her dismay, no one seemed particularly happy in the next one neither. EMMA groaned again. "PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THAT THE RED HEAD IS SUPPOSED TO BE ME." She muttered. "ITS SUPPOSED TO BE YOU." Said JACOB, ignoring her previous words. "DAMN YOU, PORTMAN." EMMA'S eyes had fire blazing in them; they were almost as bright as what she could conjure with her hands. "I DON'T KNOW, EMMA. JUST BECAUSE IT ISN'T HAPPY DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T GOOD." Said BRONWYN. EMMA stared at her, then shrugged.

 EMMA stared at her, then shrugged

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Fiona cocked her head to the side. "Why do we look so mad?" She asked. Olive shrugged. "Why is Horace on the floor?" Questioned Hugh. Olive shook her head this time. "And why can you see less of me then anyone else?" Claire stated. Olive sighed and rolled her eyes. "I don't know. Did I draw this? No! So how can I answer you continuous questions? I. Don't. Know. And neither does anybody else here, so please, any questions, keep them to yourselves. Ok?" The younger children nodded and took less then five seconds to process it all as Claire changed the image.

 Ok?" The younger children nodded and took less then five seconds to process it all as Claire changed the image

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