× 15 - Omen of Constraint ×

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The rain has still not stopped.

It did nothing to stop the pain in my body, nothing to soothe the stinging tightness in my chest, nothing but providing an uncomfortable numbness in my senses as I leaned my back against Guo Jia's chest strengthlessly. The cold drops tapped against the skin of my face, sending shivers down my spine though I could barely feel them. My breathing was loud, and I choked occasionally on the thin air before it triggered my gag reflex. I suddenly felt like throwing up, although there was nothing in my stomach. I opened my mouth involuntarily, sticking my tongue out and coughed heavily, emptily. 

"Wenji!" I heard the blond gasp as he spun me around to face him, but there was nothing I could see but darkness. With a clear clinking sound, the chilled claws slipped off my fingers and left my hands longing for the distinct metallic texture. I reached up to hold the base of my neck as I bent over, unable to stop the coughing. The coldness of my fingers against my skin did not help the contraction I felt in my muscles, as the steep contrast in temperature only furthered the spasms. My throat burned whenever I tried to take air in, and I threw up whatever breath I attempted to hold in my scorching lungs. The sharp sensations cleared my mind a little, only to force it to focus on my impending self-destruction.

Was I going to die like this? Ha, choking myself to death...

Suddenly, the pressure on my neck disappeared, and for a moment in my daze I could not find where my hands were. I felt Guo Jia place his own hands around my neck, and panic immediately spread through me like wildfire. Forgetting the burning pain in my limbs I dug around me for the Bone Dagger, hidden somewhere on me I could not remember. When I could not find it I pushed Guo Jia slightly to try to get him away. Another part of what's left of my consciousness just wanted him to end my misery for me, strangle me and whatnot, and let my hands rest limply against his chest. I closed my sore eyes, ceasing my struggle. 

Only then did I realize that my coughing had stopped. The trouble of my breathing was replaced by a soft, quiet sobbing noise that pounded against my eardrums. The vibration of my gags sent my head bobbing slightly as a dizzy sensation went through my brain, but the blond's warm hands kept me from falling over.

Was this magic?

I sighed shakily, opening my eyes to gaze up tiredly at Guo Jia's shadowy silhouette and gripped his soaked shirt. "You'll be alright," he whispered, brushing away my wet bangs that clung to my forehead, and then pressed the back of his hand against it. The warmth radiating from him was so soothing, I thought I might fall asleep at any moment now. I closed my eyes once more. "Your fever is very bad; you need help right away," Guo Jia suddenly spoke with alarm, and I felt my legs being lifted from underneath me. 

"Hmm..." I hummed sleepily, letting myself be carried by his arms. The urge to cough disappeared, but my head was heavy and the back of my throat felt like there was something clogging it. I never realized that I was this sick.

After some slight movements the weight of my claws was placed on my stomach as we began moving again. My mind wondered where we were going, but I trusted Guo Jia once more, or felt that I should. The cold drops were falling straight on my face again, keeping my consciousness present for just a little longer.

I can't fall asleep.

In the quiet darkness, my mind drifted to Guo Jia's light footsteps on the slippery tiles, the coolness in the wind, the tapping of raindrops, and the suddenly sharp scent of blood stained on the coat Cao Ang gave me. The filth would have been unbearable in any other situation, but I was too tired to complain. 

At some point along the aimless path I felt Guo Jia slow down. It was a gradual deceleration, but definitely noticeable, and before long his jog was reduced to a walking pace. I opened my eyes slightly to look up at him, but like before, I couldn't see much past his dark silhouette. As a bright ray illuminated the sky, he stopped completely, his fingers curling tighter around my shoulder and leg. I winced slightly at the pressure and then glanced to the side with a lazy tilt of my head. 

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