× 02 - Omen of Insecurity ×

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It has been a short time since Cao Cao brought Emperor Xian to Xuchang, and most of the royal palace inside this city was still under construction due to the short time given. The city was also expanding greatly due to the Emperor's arrival, as my uncle intended for this place to serve as the new Capital since the fall of Luoyang. It's no surprise, really, since this was the stronghold for my uncle's army.

Along with the reforming of the city was the very Cao estate. After Cao Cao was appointed Chancellor, the outer areas of the already-large estate began expanding into more halls and offices, though the building of the new areas never reached so far as into the resting quarters, so things were rather peaceful inside. Due to the construction, the house itself was unusable for meetings at the moment. The city hall seemed the ideal place to host them, for now.

After breakfast, I followed Cao Cao and my two cousins outside the estate, where horses were ready and a carriage was prepared for me. The trip to the city hall was short, and soon we were inside the large, well-lit room. My uncle took seat in the center and I stood next to him while my cousins sat on the cushioned seats below. We exchanged few words, and waited patiently for the remaining officers to arrive.

At first it seemed almost empty in here, but it soon began to fill when more and more officers under Cao Cao's command arrived. I remained quiet while they greeted him, occasionally hearing one of my cousins speak as well, but only in respectful greeting. I could recognize only a few of these men, such as Li Dian and Yue Jin, my ignorance mostly due to the amount of time I stayed inside Cao estate for the past months.

I knew that many of the officers probably did not know me, especially with my inactivity in the city and beyond. A tiny smirk formed on my lips as I wondered if they have ever heard of my name and reputation before. If not, then a great surprise would be in wait for them. When my other relatives, Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun, and Xiahou Yuan showed up, I gave them soft smiles and a small curtsy, which caused them to give each other curious looks.

One new face did catch my attention, however, though I doubted the man could escape stares wherever he went. His golden hair was styled neatly and framed his handsome face perfectly, and the fancy clothes he wore made him look aristocratic. The most captivating thing about this stranger was the gentle smile on his lips, and I raised my eyebrows slightly with interest.

I've seen my share of pretty men, but everything about the stranger told me he was something very different. There was a sort of radiant aura surrounding the man, and from the way he marched so casually into the hall, I could tell he must have a good relationship with Cao Cao. It wasn't so easy to earn my uncle's favor, which I found even more interesting since it came from such a young man.

As he looked this way, I noticed his eyes widening ever so slightly and his smile doing the same. I gave him a curious look and a small smile before turning my attention back to Cao Cao, who wore a small smirk as he looked at the blond man. "Fengxiao, you're late." My uncle spoke with obvious amusement lacing his tone.

The blond smiled wider and gave a slight bow. "My apologies, my Lord. I must've gotten distracted by all the beautiful women on my way." He replied in a gentle voice, his words causing the men in the room to chuckle. Among the laughter, he glanced my way with a suggestive look in his brown eyes. I blinked in surprise as I felt a wave of warmth washing across my face, and looked down at my feet in embarrassment. I hoped it wasn't noticed by others.

"Not surprising at all. Have a seat." Cao Cao told him once the laughter calmed down, then cleared his throat to get the officers' attention before speaking. "As everyone here knows, Zhang Xiu of Wan Castle has surrendered to us. This is an important step towards our path to reuniting the land, as Wan Castle holds an exceptionally crucial geographic position. For this reason, I have decided to take this rare opportunity of peace to familiarize with the area. Some of you will accompany me on the voyage, while the rest will remain at your posts and guard against potential threats outside." He announced.

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