Sequel/Authors Note

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After 18 years there comes a time where family finally comes together and now becomes one. Nothing is the same after Thalia suffered under the brutal circumstances of her father who took her away from her beloved mother, but not out of spite of getting his heir back and nurturing her. Thalia is introduced to people she thought she never had. She's changed into a weapon along with her friends who were brought into the same world she grew up in that consisted of violence.

Authors Note : A big thank you to everyone who supported this book. I hope you all support the next one. Like I've said before I enjoyed writing HER and I hope that you guys enjoyed reading it. It is my first one and I want to give you guys all my love for helping me out and supporting it, without your corrections and input I never would have got this far in completing it. I am working on a second book because you guys have supported me even when I uploaded a chapter late. I wish you guys the best and hope you guys continue to follow me on my journey.

I appreciate you guys!

HER: Novel by Nicole Maria NavarroWhere stories live. Discover now