Fireworks of Blood

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The first trigger goes and soon what seem millions follow moments later. The sound of the gunshots ripple through my ear as if I was placed next to a fireworks display, but instead of watching the magnificent glow of the sparks exploding though out the air all I can see is blood flying everywhere.

"Bear! What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Stop acting like a lazy ass and fire already!" Blade muffledly shouts at me though his mask as sounds of booming gunshots and screams from the people surrounding the scene. I don't respond but instead begin firing my gun. I manage ti hit one of the cop's knee before aiming for his head, but of course it misses and the bullet ends up grazing the arm of a man in the back who's trying to shield a women and her child form this situation.

Sometimes I dream about being like him; saving someone instead if hurting them. Though I don't get anymore time to think about it before I feel my jacket being pulled on and we're on our way to escape out of this place.

Once we're in the car our driver speeds away like there's no tomorrow. My ears still ring with the echoing sound of the bullets and surroundings feel blurred until I fell my head jerk to the side from the speed, hitting me on the window. "Fuck me..." I grumble quietly under my breath as the stinging in my head throbs. "I wouldn't say things that I don't mean if I were you, Bear. A a lil' twink like yourself couldn't take us even if you wanted to." Ponyboy smirks as the car continues to expertly bolts away from the cops at rapid speed.

I don't know how our driver does it, but we're soon out of sight and away from danger.

We then make it to the parking garage with the other car and take our stuff as we quickly walk over to the vehicle. Once inside we take off the things that we were using to cover up out faces which for myself was a pair of sunglasses and a bandana wrapped around the lower half of my face.

I can immediately feel the harsh glares Blade is beating upon me like a heatwave in the middle of summer as we sit there in the car that's suddenly becoming too hot for comfort, and by now I already know what's waiting for me once we get to the office.

As the time shortly flies I soon feel the car come to a stop, and my feet move mindlessly inside of the building as I follow the rest into the elevators. Pony presses the floor numbers '6', '16', and '9' before also pressing the close button. Then the machine lets out a low rumbling sound before scratching it's way down to the lesser known floors of the building.

I can still sence the temper Blade is radiating towards me as we get off the lift and walk towards our destination. He's never been particularly too fond of me and has taken every opprotunity to beat me in some sort of way.

"Welcome back boys." Papa smiles at us as come in thudding the cases filled with the stolen cash down on the table that he stands behind of. "It's a little less than usual, but still something good." Pony answers whilst he begins opening the cases up. "Maybe we would have gotton a bit more if someone could actually do their fucking job." He speaks as he turns his head to face me, "Oh which this reminds me, bear. I need to have a little chat with you in the other room for a bit." He says in a stony tone as his eyes begin to darken.

I want to run, but I can't. The next thing I know there's a hand wrapping itself firmly around my wrist and there's no way out of this now.

The group knows that when I don't do things properly Blade likes to have some fun with me and beat me, or sometimes worse. No one has ever stopped him from doing these unmerciful acts to me though.

I'm still the faggot they found years ago on the streets after my parents decided that they didn't give two fucks about me and kicked me out because of my imperfections.

"Open your eyes you little bitch." He sneers out coldly and I open my eyes that I previously didn't know were closed until now.

I take a shaky deep breath in and out, and then a stinging sensation spreads across my face as the first strike out of many begin.


This is the begining of the first strory I've ever written on here and I'm really sorry that you had to read through my shitty writting. Bye for now you guys!

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