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[Reminder: This was my first fan-fiction ever on Quotev, honestly it's highly cringe. All I can say is it truly does get better, both plot & writing wise. Gomen!]

Warning: Profanities  


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"Do I even need school though?" you contemplated, as you laid wide awake in your bed.

You continued procrastinating, rolling around in your bed as if you could afford being late on the first day of your new school. Your dad would often go out on short business trips, leaving you home alone. However this time, he decided to take you with him because he'd be gone for 2 whole years. He had insisted you attend Konoha High while you were here, because he was good friends with the principal and since it was only your senior year, you agreed.

You followed your regular morning routine, had your breakfast and decided to drive to school. Your dad was usually never home, therefore you had to drive yourself to school. You decided to go with the least flashiest car you owned because you didn't want to stand out at all. Being the new girl was already bad enough.

As your garage door opened, revealing the selection of cars, you stood there completely horrified. All that was there were your dad's best cars.. all extremely flashy. He must've left everything else behind, you figured. You certainly did not want to be the girl going to school in a freaking red Ferrari. It would only make you look like a snobby brat, which was far from who you really were. How were you supposed to make real friends? Who'd even like you? You wouldn't even like you.

Fuck it, you thought accepting that this day was already off to a bad start.

You pulled up in the school parking lot, in your matte black Audi R8- the only car in your garage that wasn't an outrageous color. You got out of your car, locked it and made your way into the school's entrance. You didn't even have to look up to know that everyone's eyes were already plastered on you. You noticed that the school building was beautiful and pretty fancy.

When you got inside, you saw a man that seemed quite familiar.. Mr. Mori, the principal. When he spotted you, he walked towards you with a warm smile.

"Y/N! I almost didn't recognize you, you've really grown up," Mr. Mori exclaimed.

"Good morning Mr. Mori. It's good to see you again," you greeted, noticing a boy standing beside him.

You could feel all the kids eyeing you as they passed by you in the hallway. The new girl was talking to the principal, terrific. People probably, already thought you were weird.

"Since you're new here, I've assigned one of my favorite students to walk you to all your classes for the week," Mr. Mori informed, motioning the boy beside him to introduce himself.

He had very dark hair and equally dark eyes. He was much taller than you, and had very sharp features.

"Hi Y/N.. I'm Shisui," the dark-haired boy introduced himself. "Welcome to Konoha High."

"Hi," you smiled nervously, a bit relieved at how nice his tone was. "And thank you."

At least you'd have one friend, right?

"Alright Shisui, I leave her in your capable hands. Good luck Y/N," the principal said, before disappearing into his office.

You took a deep breath in. This was it, your first official day of senior year.

"You nervous?" Shisui asked, noticing how quiet you had been.

"Should I be?" you asked, unsure.

He let out a genuine laughter, revealing a beautiful smile and cute little dimples.

"Stick with me and it won't be that bad," he replied, leading the way through the brightly lit hallway, which was now empty.

I sure hope so, you thought to yourself, wondering what the rest of the day had in store for you.

"Oh great," Shisui's voice caught your attention.

He was looking at a copy of your schedule, probably given to him by the principal.

"Your first period is Psychology, same as me," he stated, smiling at you. "And my good friend Itachi."

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