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Exactly 4 months had passed since the event. You had 6 more months of school left until.. your engagement. Every waking moment since that day was just simply weird to you. You felt like you weren't even living for yourself anymore. You were either living as someone's daughter who would soon be someone's fiancé and then someone's wife.

Orochimaru had since then marked you as his top priority, and he put absolutely nothing above you. He'd visit you from time to time, to check on you and ask you about school. He was certainly not a bad person but you just didn't want to get married so young.

School was the only place you experienced happiness in, which was a clear indication of how sad your life had become. You were forbidden from speaking to anyone about the deal between your father and Orochimaru, and Kimimaro was always there to make sure of that. He'd escort you everywhere, every class, every event. Even taking it as far as checking your phone's activity. You felt as though you were imprisoned in a soundproof glass case, visible to everyone but heard to none.

Why? Why would your own father, your only living family member, do this to you?

* * *

"It's starting to get really suspicious," Neji muttered, taking a bite out of his apple.

They watched as the girl and her leech-like bodyguard entered the cafeteria, alongside Pein and his group. She looked so miserable.

"Tell me about it," Naruto added. "It's like I can't even hangout with Y/N alone anymore."

"That's probably for the best," Sakura teased.

The group secretly despised Kimimaro's presence since the beginning, but they thought he'd go away at some point. He had to, right? But their hopes had slowly died down since he was still here, 4 months later.

"But that's the point of having a bodyguard," TenTen reasoned.

"Why does she need a bodyguard when we're right here?" Kiba questioned, enviously. "He looks like a twig."

"Like Y/N said before, her dad hired him because he's worried about her safety. What's wrong with that?" TenTen asked.

"But following her to every class, each and everyday. That's too much," Naruto replied, glaring at the unaware Kimimaro.

"Shut up, you're just jealous," Sakura stated, rolling her green eyes. "Kimimaro's hot and you think she'll fall for him."

"What?! I'm not jealous, you're crazy," Naruto argued. "Wait you really think she'll fall for him?"

The girls shared a look, then began giggling.

"What's so funny?" Naruto asked, confused.

"Because," Ino answered. "She always complains about him in the group chat. I doubt she'll ever fall for him."

"Oh yea? Does she ever.. you know?" Naruto asked, slightly blushing. "Does she ever talk about me?"

"She called you adorable once," TenTen replied. "She doesn't text much anymore though."

"You heard that Kiba? Y/N thinks I'm adorable!" Naruto exclaimed, trying to rub it in the brunette's face.

"Who cares? So what are we gonna do about this Kimimaro guy?" Kiba asked, irritated by Naruto.

"What do you mean by that?" Ino asked, confused.

"Isn't it just a little bit suspicious that Y/N gets a bodyguard out of nowhere? Something must've happened for her dad to suddenly worry about her safety," Neji suggested, wisely.

"You're right, Kimimaro did show up out of nowhere," TenTen agreed.

"We should follow her home today," Naruto said. "To get to the bottom of this."

"What? No! We can't stalk her!" Sakura yelled in disagreement.

"That actually makes sense," Shikamaru finally contributed to the conversation. "Where else would you find clues?"

"Alright.. so we're gonna follow our friend home? Like creeps?" TenTen asked, skeptical of the blonde boy's idea.

"Believe it!" Naruto replied, enthusiastically.

* * *

"I'm gonna get a soda, do you guys want anything?" you asked, getting up from your seat.

By now you had grown a comfortable relationship with Pein and his clique. Sitting in lunch together, had practically become a tradition.

"Nah, but I'll come with you!" Deidara offered, jumping up from his seat excitedly.

This would be his only chance to get you alone, finally.


"No," Kimimaro was quick to interrupt you. "That's what I'm here for."

"It's fine, Deidara and I can handle getting sodas by ourselves," you tried to reason with the stubborn man.

"No, you aren't allowed to go anywhere without me and you know that," Kimimaro continued on with his little speech. "Or must I remind you?"

"I'm getting real tired of you!" Deidara exclaimed, pissed off. "Fuck off, will you?"

"I will do no such thing," Kimimaro stated, indifferently.

"When Y/N becomes my wife, I'll make sure you-"

"Deidara," Pein interrupted what seemed to be the beginning of an argument. "You should respect her father's concerns. Kimimaro is just doing his job."

"Ugh! Fine, but I don't really like you," Deidara spat, glaring at Kimimaro's tall figure.

You ruffled his long blonde hair and sent him an apologetic look, before walking towards the vending machine with Kimimaro following right behind you.

While you were gone, the group decided to take the time to discuss a few important things.

"See? I told you it was suspicious," Zetsu said, eyeing Kimimaro and you from his seat.

"She looks really bothered when she's around him," Konan added. "I think she needs help."

"I've been trying to get her alone for the past few months but that idiot keeps coming in between," Deidara complained.

"Aren't bodyguards for protection?" Zetsu asked, confused. "Why does he keep controlling all her actions?"

"Yes, you're right. I have noticed that," Itachi agreed.

"Fuck you all, I think the bastards trying to steal my girl!" a very high Hidan yelled out, unaware of his surroundings.

"Hidan! If you can't handle smoking a blunt, don't smoke," Deidara suggested, annoyed by his slick-haired companion. "You're annoying me."

"You're annoying me!" Hidan argued back.

"We'll have to keep an eye on Kimimaro here," Konan stated, ignoring the two men arguing back and forth. "I don't want to lose the only other girl of the group."

"I agree," Pein stated.

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