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Hidan's persistent pleas to visit his Lord Jashin and Karin's constant complaints about the numerous mosquitoes flying around the forest was enough to convince the entire group to head home earlier than expected.

"It's Sunday morning," Konan groaned. "We should be sleeping right now."

"Don't blame me," Sasori snorted, equally irritated. "This was all Hidan's doing."

"Whatever. I'm not driving, I'm too tired," Konan informed, plopping herself on the backseat of her car.

"I'll drive!" Deidara offered, enthusiastically. "Y/N, will you sit in the front with me?"

"Sure," you answered, mustering up a small smile.

You had absolutely no energy to even argue. Especially after that intense hiking session from yesterday, and the 5 hours of sleep you barely managed to catch. In fact, you were so tired that you hadn't even thought about the whole Shisui-Deidara situation yet.

"Cool," the blonde beamed. "Hop in m'lady."

You hopped into the passenger seat as Deidara shut the door behind you like a gentleman, and climbed into his own spot as the designated driver. After being comfortably seated, he rolled the windows down to let some air in, only to be greeted by a distinctive, foul-mouthed, violet-eyed male.

"Hidan, get out of here before I run you over," Deidara warned, with a smirk.
"Shut up!" the male snapped. "I came here to see if you're down to race."
"Huh? Race who?" Deidara asked, scratching his head in confusion.
"The rest of us," Hidan replied. "Kakuzu's driving our car and Shisui's driving the other one."
"Alright," Deidara agreed. "But be prepared to lose."
"Eat a dick bitch," Hidan suggested flipping the blonde off. "We'll start when I get seated back in my car."

Once the violet-eyed male was back in his own seat, he gave everyone a thumbs up, signaling that the race had officially begun. Konan's car had already began moving and in a matter of seconds, it had gone from 55 MPH to a whooping, 118 MPH. Deidara was still stubbornly pressing down on the accelerator, trying to further increase its speed. 

"Deidara slow down," you warned, worried about everyone's safety.

To be quite honest, you knew Deidara long enough to know that his impulsive behavior was not well suited to compete in such an intense race on an unknown road. And who was the genius that decided to let Kakuzu and his drunk self-drive anyways? Somebody's gonna end up hurt, you thought.

"Hah! Calm down, princess," the blonde reassured. "I'll keep us safe."

We'll see, you thought quietly to yourself.

* * *

"We must get you out of here before it's too late," the now, unusually pale Kimimaro stated. "Can you walk?"

"Why are you help.. agh," the brutally beat up Genma began to say before groaning out in pain. "Why're you helping me?"

The beat-up male was definitely in bad shape, and he looked terrible. Dark circles had began forming under his bright brown eyes, causing him to look ill. He had a somewhat fading black eye and dark red dried blood on the corner of his mouth. Perhaps it was Orochimaru that did this to him, Kimimaro thought. Genma's hands were all bruised up and bloody, as if he'd been punching the walls around him as an act of frustration. And lastly, his audible breathing was uneven which was never a good sign.

"No time for questions right now," Kimimaro interrupted. "We need to get you checked up."
"Wait! Y/N, is she alright?" Genma asked as he prayed inwardly to no one in particular. "Is she married? Is she engaged?"
"She's doing alright, Genma," Kimimaro answered, with a sympathetic smile. "And no she is still very much single. Let's go."

I can't believe that even in such a critical condition, he still manages to check on his best friend, Kimimaro thought with great admiration. He pondered, what was it like to feel such strong emotions? But the white-haired male quickly dismissed the thought out of his mind, before focusing his attention back on Genma.

"Alright, thanks," the brown-haired muttered under his breath.

* * *

"I'm still sore from that 4-hour long practice session this morning," the sunshine blonde complained. "My body is beat."

"Shut up loser," his dark-haired companion muttered from the other end of the phone. "It was nothing."

"Maybe it was nothing because you did nothing!" Naruto retorted. "And we have school tomorrow, I don't know how I'll manage."

"Whatever," the Uchiha said, flatly. "When I came home my dad informed me about something."

"So... what did he say?" the blue-eyed male asked in a serious tone. "What?"

The male looked at his phone impatiently before asking again, "Sasuke, answer me! What did he say?"

"He got it," the raven-haired male finally spoke up.

The blonde looked at his phone once again, but this time, in a state of excitement. He let out a soft chuckle, giddy with happiness due to the news.

"So that means she'll be free?" he asked, trying to confirm his thoughts. "Right?"

"Father has only got the search warrant," Sasuke replied through his perfect, gritted teeth. "I wouldn't start celebrating yet."

"Whatever, I know with all my heart that nothing bad will happen to someone as good as Y/N," the blonde chirped, enthusiastically. "Believe it!"

"Hn," Sasuke snorted. "Baka."

"How did he get the warrant so quick, anyways?" the curious blonde asked.

"He's Chief," Sasuke replied. "If he asks for something- which he rarely does- I'm guessing they give it to him."

"Then tell him to send Orochimaru to jail, where he belongs," Naruto yelled into the phone. "That sick old perv."

"Without evidence, there is nothing."

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