Chapter Four: Family Reunion

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The two royal children started hugging and crying with joy. They kept talking over one another, it took them a while to calm down. 
"King Irwyn and Queen Keena left me here because Drina made this scar on me, and Ninani the Swan warned mother about Drina and her power. Life here is quite nice, and I've just learned about  the family's past time after summoning Atalanta." said Morgin.
She crocked her head and her eyes glittered with questions.
"What's castlelife like?" asked Morgin."What happened? Why are you here? What's going on with Drina? How many relatives do we have? What happened to Reynard?" 
"Whoa, one question at a time." said Shane smiling.
"We have around fifty relatives, I got kicked out of Stetriol because I got accused for killing our parents and Reynard (he ran away with his spirit animal), which I didn't. Drina caught the bonding sickness and became Queen, she and a man named Zerif had did it and blamed me for it, and now they're started a war to get the Nectar and have all Erdas united under their banner." explained Shane.
"Me and the Redcloaks are here to find the find the Great Beast summoners." he added.
"Well, on the bright side. At least you've found the girl who summoned Atalanta." joked Morgin.
A light-hearted laugh came from Shane. The ginuen sound lifted Morgin's spirits. Morgin grinned at Shane, then her curiosity came back again.
"Why are you here?" Morgin asked again.
"I am searching for the girl, who summoned Halawir the Eagle. Rumors had said that a Euran girl named Cordalles had summoned Halawir the Eagle and still has the Bronze Eagle and she and her family lives her in Trynsfield." said Shane. "All though, I wasn't expecting to find my long-lost sister with Atalanta the Mountain Lion." With a chuckle.
"I know Cordalles, she and her family are sea traders. But by tomorrow morning, they will be coming here to discuss their traderings and to have a meeting with a Lord Bismarck about Drina and the war." explained Morgin.
(Morgin knew a secret resestince, which is called Euran Warriors. The Euran Warriors are only for the Euran Marked people,it made the warriors go separate to make it easier, like; Wildcat Warriors, Bird Warriors,Bear Warriors,Deer Warriors, and so on).
Shane caught sight of the golden cloak and golden tralisman.
"You're the Leader Keeper of all the High Keepers of Erdas." he said with awe.

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