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I wake up in the morning without my clothes on. A comforter covers my body and I’m lying on a soft mattress with someone else beside me. Of course, it’s my Bryan. But it isn’t him that bothers me. What bothers me is what happened last night. I can’t remember anything about it. Only the memory of Bryan pulling me out of bed and kissing me retains in my head.

What happen last night?

I take a deep breath and stare above me, yawning. Light is pouring through the window and it’s making everything bright—the walls, the floor, everything. I blink my eyes many times to clear the murkiness. Then when my sight is clear, I lift the comforter over my chest and look inside.


I’m not wearing my bra and underwear anymore. Like I said, I’m not wearing any clothes on.

Beside me Bryan is fast asleep. He’s not wearing a shirt and the comforter covers half his body. The edge of the fabric is over his navel, his nipples and abs exposed. Yum, I think. How did Bryan get so hot?

I stare down at Bryan’s chest and stomach for a long time. Then my hands slowly travel over his chest, right over his heart. I pretend that I’m still asleep and that I’m unaware that my hands are going everywhere. When I slide my palm down his stomach, his body gives a tickling motion. Oh. So this part of his body is sensitive. How nice.

He groans suddenly, and I stop moving my hands down his body. My pinky finger is now reaching the edge of the comforter and slowly I move my hand a little bit more until all my fingers are touching the fabric. I want to lift it up and look inside. Oh, my gosh. What am I thinking?

I can’t be desperate.

But no. I want to see it.




I think it’ll be great if I see what he’s packing. I want to know what his shaft looks like. I haven’t seen one in my entire life. And if I lift this comforter right now, his thing will be my first.

Okay. Here it comes.

I gently lift the cover up and the first thing I see is a medium layer of hair. It looks like he had shaved in the past two or three weeks. But anyway, it isn’t the thing I want to see. I lift the fabric higher, and I squint inside as “it” finally comes into view.

I can’t see the entire thing. But there are some few things I observe about it.

One. It’s semi-hard.

Two. It might be seven inches or seven and a half.

Three. It’s big.

Four. It’s growing.

My eyes get wide and my mouth stretch widely as I set the comforter down. I’m rolling my eyes now, cannot believe what I just saw. That! That was inside me? If we had sex last night, I would have that kind of thought. I want it to happen again. I want to know what it feels like while we’re doing it. I try to remember what happen last night, but still I can’t recall anything.

I must be unconscious that time. I must be drunk when we did it.

This is so disappointing!


Kirvy is playing with his father outside the house in the garden. It’s 4:30 in the afternoon and the sun doesn’t burn my skin anymore. I want to go to my friends. Our small house is just walking distance from here. But the sight of Kirvy and Kevin playing water guns makes me want to join them. They both look happy playing together. Kirvy looks cute when he’s running away from Kevin. They’re both wet and their clothes seems to be soaked in water

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