You Promised

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You promised you would protect me.
Oh how naive I was. You did the opposite. You were the cause of my danger and problems.

You promised you would keep me safe.
If by being safe you meant hurt, heartbroken, confused, numb, distraught and a wide range of negative emotions, then you did just that.

You promised to love me.
But love wasn't what you were doing. Love is not manipulation and pain and self hatred and guilt.

You promised my scars would heal.
They started to, but I didn't know you would only reopen them by your actions later to come.

You promised you wouldn't hurt me.
But you went back on that promise the day you went as far as to sexually assault me.

You promised that what you were doing was for my own good.
But I realized you had been using me for your own pleasure. I never wanted any of it- it was you who did.

You promised to never leave me.
I guess I promised you the same. But you left me the day you started all the mental, emotional, and sexual abuse. That day my caring friend had died and an abuser took his place. I could never look at you as though you were the same person from that day on, because you just weren't.

You promised I was strong.
At least you were right about that. I know to unleash hell on the next person to do something similar to what you did to me. I can now recognize what you did to me as abuse, and I will not let anything like that happen to me again.

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