Chapter 3

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YN Pov:

It was just me and Marzia, Felix left to call some guy named Mark.

"So~... YN" Marzia started, Looked at her for her to continue, "How did you met Clay?"

"He's my Dad's best friends son, my dad told me to show him around the town, since he was "new", which is weird how could he be new if his dad has lived here his whole life." I told her, she looked really shocked.

"Well YN you are right on that one he isn't new to town he has always lived here, I just don't understand why your father lied like that." she said.

"Yeah, I don't understand either, but how do you guys know clay?" I asked, she looked heart broken.

"He's Felix's cousin."

"Oh~...." I didn't know what else to say, this was all so confusing and terrifying. In way, I want to go home but then again why? All I did was get yelled at, threatened, and was a slave to my father, this is my new life and I have to embrace it and love it. I decided to change the topic, "Who's Mark?" she looked at me dumbfounded, "What?"

"Do you not know who we are? Like Felix and I?"

"I mean no~? Not really I just met you today... Why?" I asked, she was just looking at me like I was a ghost or something.

"Did you live under a ROCK?" She asked, looking back at it I guess I did, my past really wasn't the greatest, it was terrible. I guess she sensed or seen that what she said hurt me, which it kinda did but it was true she really opened my eyes to see how my life was before. "I'm sorry....."

"No, it's fine but, I guess you're right, I did live under a rock, in a way." she looked at me confused, so I continued. "I don't really own anything, all I did was clean up the mess my dad made, then went to college or work"

"Oh.... I'm sorry YN." I just nodded my head, not really in the mood to talk anymore. "Well~..... We are all youtubers!" she said. I was confused.


"Have you ever owned a phone or even internet?" she asked. Again I just nodded, "Wow~! I'm surprised you lived this long without both of those things."

"Not really, it's not hard if you never had it and don't know what it's like to actually have it, I only had internet at school, and we only had a house phone and my father had a cellphone." She just nodded, and pulled out her phone, it was an Iphone, she then handed it to me.

"Watch this!" she cheered.

I began to watch the video in it was some asian guy that called himself Markiplier, so this must be mark. He was playing a game with these creepy animatronics that are supposedly trying to stuff you into a freddy suit? I only watch the first few minutes and gave her, her phone back.

"So that was Mark! You will meet him soon!" she chirped.

I was confused, "Doesn't he live in Califor~?" but I was cut off.

"Hey ladies, I'm back, so Mark said it was fine if YN came, 'more the merrier' he said." Felix sang while coming down the stairs.

"B-but I can't!" I said.

"Why?" Both Felix and Marzia asked.

"I have job plus college, well I'm probably fired from my job, it's been so long since I've been there, because of everything with clay...."

"Can't you just email or call your teachers and tell them what happened?" Felix asked.

"It's not that easy, but okay." I said sheepishly.

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