Chapter 11

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Marks pov

I was waiting for everyone to show up, how am I going to tell them the truth. Than the doorbell rang.

"AHHH~!" I screamed.

"You okay, Mark?" YN asked.

"Uh~, yeah I was just deep in thought." YN just nodded and went to answer the door.

"YN! Thank God you're okay!!" jack tackled her.

"Ummm~ yeah why wouldn't I?" she asked him.

"Well Mark called and said it was an emergency! We all thought you were hurt!" jack stated.

They all turned to me, waiting for a response.

"Let's go to the living room, I'll tell you there." they all followed me to the living room all taking a seat while I stood in the middle.

"Well~, um thanks for coming...."

"Mark just get to the fucking point!" felix yelled.

"FINE!!! Our alter egos are REAL!" I yelled, they all just started at me.

Jack stood up and walked over to me, "Mark are you feeling okay? You haven't been drinking have yo-"

"Really sean" i interrupted him "I'm serious." I looked around, "no one believes me huh~, should have figured." i started to walk to the front door to go for a walk.

"Mark wait!" i turned around it was YN, "I believe you!" she told me.

"Really?" I asked her, she nodded. "But why?"

"I may have heard him and you talking..."

"Wait! You heard him?"

"I heard him before he left and you were upset, thats then you called jack right away, Mark i'm worried about you! You were acting weird during the movie and then you just ran up to your room... are you sure everything is 'fine' like you said?"

"YN~ look I don't really know if everything is going to be already but, i really care about you and i really want you to stay safe... I'm scared that he's going to hurt you!"

"Mark, I am safe, don't worry about that, i just want you to be safe!" I looked at her she looked so scared I pulled her into a hug, and held her tight.

"I am safe, he can't hurt me! If he does he'll be hurting himself." after telling her this all i heard was his satanic laughter again, i tensed up.

"Mark? You okay? You just got tense?"

"Um~ yeah i'm fine.." I reassured her.

'LIAR' dark spoke in my head.

"Mark? The tone in your voice tells me you're lying..."

"He's in my head..." I told her, her face was shocked and she took me back in the hug and held me tight.

'Looks like she really cares about you, hahaha this is going to be fun~'

'I swear to God dark you touch her your DEAD!'

'Oh markie you can't hurt me'

'WATCH ME!!!' he just chuckled.

"*yawn* Mark I think i'm going to go to bed, i'm tired." i kissed her on her forehead.

"Okay goodnight, love."


With that she left upstairs. I walked back to the living room, sean was the only one there.

Never Forget To Smile MarkiplierxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now