Chapter 12

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Today is party day. My parents think that Taylor and I are at Marry's for the night. It was the only way Taylor and I would get out and be able to go to the party without our parents knowing. After my first party, I learned that they aren't too bad. So I've managed to not mind them, or going to them. Which I can't figure out if it's a bad thing or a good thing.

"It's not fair. Why do you get to go to Jack's party but not me?" My sister complained to me as I got ready to head over to Marry's.

"Because you are a Freshmen and Freshie's can't come. Unless Jack say's you can. He almost always lets them come, but there are some he doesn't want there. Like you. Also, what goes on at parties are things you do not need to experience just yet."

"But I want to meet him."

"I've told you. No. You can't meet him. And you tell mom and dad that I am at that party, you are dead. I mean it. They can't find out."

"Fine. Whatever." She said as she went back to her own room pouting.

I left for Marry's at around 3. The party started at 7. The three of us wanted to do some work together before the party. Which was a good idea seeing that we wouldn't know how much time we would have the next day to do work.

It was just a few minutes before 7 when the three of us got to the party. Grayson and Ethan said that they are already there.

"Found them." Jack said as the three of them came up to us.

"Good you guys are here. Marry lets go." Ethan said as the two of them went off to go do their own thing.

The two of them always get high at parties. Like I said Marry is pretty much the opposite of Taylor and I. Which explains why she always got along with Grayson and them better than I did before all of this happened between Grayson and I.

"You wanna try one this time?" Grayson asked me holding a drink up to me.

I knew I shouldn't. But I did anyway. I told him this would be the one and only one for the night. I somehow doubted that. Boy was I right. An hour later, I was on my third and was feeling a little weird. So I decided to take a break for a while. Grayson went off by the pool about half a hour ago with Jack leaving me with Taylor and Marry.

"It's about time you took a break." Taylor said to me.

"Like you didn't drink either." I said to her.

"At least I didn't drink two more than I said I would."

"How much have you drank Marry?" I asked.

"Not much. Don't feel like drinking much tonight I guess."

"Where is Ethan?"

"Down by the pool with Grayson and Jack. They were drinking too much so I decided to come up and dance a little."

Taylor and I went into the kitchen to eat a little. We were too busy doing work before the party to have anything before hand. So we needed food in our bodies.

"I have to pee. I'll be right back." Taylor said as she then headed toward the bathroom.

I found a few drinks and downed two of them in less than a minute and a half. I did not know I could do that. I then got another one and started that one. I could start to feel them kick in now. I then saw Jack walk into the kitchen. I finished that one and then downed another one. I now was starting to get high. I could feel it. I also knew because I was starting to have not much of an idea of what was happening around me, but I could focus enough to know. Make scene?

"Who knew the nerd of the school could down 4 drinks in under five minutes." Jack said to me. I could tell that he was the same way I was at the moment.

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