Chapter 26

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I kissed her for the last time ever this morning. It's for the best.


Now that I've talked to Ethan, I just have to talk to Grayson. Oh boy. I don't even know what or where I am supposed to talk to him. I haven't even been able to stop thinking about Ethan kissing me. I miss his lips so much.

"Stop thinking about it." Taylor said to me as we walked down the school hall.

"About what?"

"You know what. The whole you and Ethan kissing thing." She said quietly so no one else would hear.

"I just miss being with him is all. And you know that. I never wanted to let go of what Ethan and I had."

"I get it. And hopefully one day the two of you will get another chance to be together."

The bell then rung for school to start so Taylor and I went our separate ways for class. I did not want to go to 1st period and face Grayson.

"How are you this fine morning?" He asked with a smile.

"Why are you such in a good mood today?" I asked with a grouchy tone in my voice.

"Oh. So I can't be in a good mood now?"

"I never said that. I was just asking."

"Whatever. Well I will have you know that I am now happily with Sasha."

The words cut through me like a thousand bullets and knives. It as so hard to hear.

"Like. With her with her? Like. Dating her?"

"Yes. Like dating her."

"Oh." Was all I could say for a bit. "Umm. Tell Mrs. Click that I'm not feeling well." I said as I then ran out of the room to the bathroom.

I locked myself in a stall and cried. I couldn't believe he is dating that snobby ass bitch of a cheerleader. He could do so much better.

All I knew is that my heart had been torn out of my chest.


I saw Maybel run into the bathroom about 15 minutes ago. She still hasn't come out. She's missing 1st. It's not like her to miss a class like this. She also looked like she was about to cry. So when the coast was clear, I went in.

"May? Are you in here?" I asked.

"What are you doing in here Ethan?" I heard her ask. I could tell she has been crying.

"I saw you come in here fifteen minutes ago. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I'm not."

"Yes. You are." I was now standing infront of the stall she is in. "May. Please open up."

The door unlocked and I was able to go in and sit with her.

"Now tell me. What's wrong?"

"It's Grayson and Sasha."

"Ohh. Them. I'm not too happy about it either."

"And when he told me about them in class, I just didn't know what to do or say."

"May. I know how you feel. This is all pretty much the same for me. I've been having a hard time with everything too."

I put my arm around her to comfort her. It seemed to help. God I miss being able to be with her like this.

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