Chapter 23

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Monday rolled around, and I was getting all kinds of questions from Marry and Taylor as soon as I walked through the school doors that morning. Which I knew would happen.

"So you and Ethan are a thing now?" Marry asked.

"Looks like it. And I don't even know if Grayson knows about it yet. I'm just glad that he didn't go through with the whole Sasha thing."

"All of us are glad he didn't go through with her." Taylor then said.

"So you and Grayson haven't even talked since the night of the party?" Marry asked.

"How am I supposed to? No electronics for two weeks. The only place I can talk to him is here. And I really don't feel like making a scene here at school."

"I see your point there." Taylor then said.

The bell for first period then rung and off to first period it was. I hope Grayson wasn't there. But I knew he would be. Sure enough, when I walked through the door, he was there.

It took him a minute, but he finally said something.

"Oh I didn't see you there. You were almost as invisible as our dating life. Hi I'm Grayson I'm your boyfriend. Sound familiar?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Ethan. He told me what happened between you two yesterday."

"You know that you are the one that pretty much dragged me to that party. I didn't want to go but you wouldn't even listen to me. All you cared about is going out and having a good time and not caring if I got introuble. And I got into some deep ass trouble with my parents this weekend because you wouldn't leave me alone about that stupid party. Ya see my point?"

"Alright. That explains the why you got introuble part and why you are so pissed at me. Now it's time to explain the whole Ethan part."

"You mean he didn't tell you that part yesterday?"

"He did. I just wanted to hear it from you too."

"Well too bad. You're not going to hear it from me. Because you are a heard it from your brother. Who I guess I was supposed to end up with all along."

That was a mistake to say. I just didn't realize it until after it had come out of my mouth. With nothing else being said or done, Grayson collected his things and walked out of the room.

This is not good.


I knew it. I knew that it was him all along. I knew that Ethan loved her before I ever had. But she choose me. Now all of a sudden she is choosing him. Why? Why?!


Alright. To be fair, Ethan and I had a spark there since the Freshmen year when Grayson and I started hating each other. Everyone knew it. Just no one ever brought it up until this year when all of this starting happening.

Lunch rolled around and there was still no sign of Grayson. He didn't even show up to math class today.

"So nothing? Ever since this morning?" Taylor asked once we all sat down at lunch.

"Nothing at all. And it's killing me."

"What's killing you?" Ethan asked as he sat next to me.

"I said something this morning to your brother that made him not so happy and he stormed out of first period and I haven't seen him since. And wow that was a mouth full."

"That's why he didn't seem in the mood to talk today during Strength and Conditioning class earlier."

"Why is this happening again?" I asked as I put my head down on the table.

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