Chapter |1| Beginning

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Loud steps were heard as they entered the lab, four men held onto poles that were connected to a metal cage that held it up. A cloth was over it and a bunch of the sealing signs were on it.

Walking in front and behind were another four men, each with guns that had sealing bullets.

Before the beast in the cage knew it he was put in a room. The room had a table and one chair.

This wasn't the first time he was here. On the other side of the laboratory was no other then The young scientists Hinata Hyuga. She who was holding a clip board in her hands was making her way to the room where the beast was .

This was her first demon, she studied them many times but this was the real thing and she was given his case. When she let the door scan her eyes, she sighed deeply. Two men stood behind her watching her.

When the door opened she walked down the hall way that leaded to the elevator.

"Good afternoon, Dr." people greeted, Hinata simply smiled in reply. She was only 17 yet she was looked up to, though she had someone who told her what to do.

The next room she had to scan her thumb. Then finally she entered the elevators that soon brought her to the final floor where many beast and creatures were.

She again was greeted until she made it to the room that was on the clip board. Two men stood there with the guns.

Hinata cleared her throat.

"I-I'm here for the interview with it." She said. The men eyed her. Most did, she was smart for her age but some were even smarter here around her age.

They looked through her papers before they let her in. When she entered, the cage was instantly caught to her attention. Her eyes then found the camera. She just simply looked back at the cage before she sat herself down on a chair.

Hinata felt sweat drip down her face. As she looked over the paper of information.

"I-I think I'm ready to speak to him." She said out loud and soon men came with guns and a man got ready to peel off some of the seals. When done they left.

Hinata watched as the sheets slightly moved.

"H-Hello, my name is H-"

"Hahahaha...foolish human .." a deep voice hissed.

"I could careless who you are.."

Hinata watched as red eyes watched her as the sheets moved violently because of the power the beast was using. The seal to prevent this power were still on, and it still showed. His eyes were the only thing bright while the cage was dark thanks to the sheet.

Hinata felt like the eyes were piercing through her body.

"My name is Hinata Hyuga, I'd like to have just a few questions answered by you." She said her voice strong.

"Sure...why don't you take off this sheet so we can see eye to eye better..."  he said in a slightly sketchy tone.

The cage was tall yet long. Hinata who was confident stood up and walked over to the cage. The scientists watched from the camera.

She threw the sheets off fast. Her eyes widened when she saw a man, he stood, His hands were behind his back in metal thick cuffs.  His head was covered by a hoodie so she didn't know his hair color, but his bottom half of his face stood out along with the dark marks of whiskers.

Hinata felt amazed, she didn't expect them to look like this at all, his form was so much like a human, his face too. His faces smirked, his eyes red as they watched her.

"Not too bad for a demon, don't you think?" He  said. Hinata watched as he got closer to the cage in her direction.

"Aren't you a pretty thing.." He said before he liked his lips. Hinata still in shocked just watched him.

"Aw come on, I don't bite." He said. He wore a black cloak. And black pants.

Hinata soon turned her body,  her lab coat swaying as she made her way back to her seat.

"So I'll began, with the questions then. " she said before she looked back at him, but his eyes instantly pierced hers once again. She didn't know why but she felt uncomfortable.

"Question number one, you are known just as the Kyuubi. But do you have a name?" She asked.

"If I do, what difference does it make?" He asked coldly.

"Well it'll let me know you better." Hinata relied.

"Ha! What, are we going to be friends now?" He asked. Hinata shuffled her papers.

"W-Well you'll be seeing me a lot so maybe a little." She answered.

"Hahahahah! " he laughed.

"Me and you friends? You know I'll kill you, right?" He said, Hinata looked at him a little shocked from the sudden redness that flew from his cage.

"I'll kill you all, every single one of you..." he said. Hinata furrowed her eyebrows as she observed him.

"How will you do that?" She asked bravely. All she received was a smiled. Her eyes suddenly widened when Naruto broke the cuffs. He brought his hands up, shaking them a little.

He then gripped the cage bars. His hands burning, causing smoke to come from them.

"You just wait...I won't let you turn me into a beast again, I'll make you all pay.." He said.

Hinata soon after left but all the way out of the lab she heard his voice in her head.

"What did he mean by "again" ?" Hinata soon gripped her head as if she was trying remember something.

The next day she had a meeting with the scientists, they had told her she left too early but Hinata said she had to take things slower.

Naruto who sat in his cell stared at his hands as he sat on the ground. His blood was boiling with anger, how did he manage to get back to a lab like this, it hadn't changed since he was a kid.

All they did was use people for their own benefits and do experiments. Being treated like a beast made him want to act like one and that's what he did, he stole from the village and attacked people in his way.

But that was what they made him into. His only friend joined the Anbu and took him here. The guy he trusted. Someone he met when he was here as a kid. He felt so angry. He bit his lip making it bleed.

"Damn you...Sasuke.."

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