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Dinner after that was more than a little uneventful. Scorpius introduced Nat and Nick to his cousin Ava and afterwards to her parents.

The table was bursting with life and Draco smiled to himself, because he had never really had this when he was home from Hogwarts. He had yelling and cursing and a dark lord threatening to kill him everyday. He took a deep breath and Harry almost unconsciously placed a calming hand into his thigh. Draco smiled and intertwined their fingers together. He leaned into Harry before whispering in his ear.

"You know we can't keep them forever, don't you?"

"They're staying here for the rest of summer," the ravenette says, mind already made up, instead of answering the question.

"I expected no less," responded the blonde then kissed his husband's shoulder before turning back to look at all of the people at the table and clearing hia throat. "So...Ava, are you ready to go to Hogwarts, dear?"

"I don't really know, Uncle Draco." If she noticed the shock on Draco's face at the affection title she didn't show it. "I've never been out of my school and mummy's never even been to this Hogwarts place and daddy didn't go because he can't do magic." She was picking at the vegetables on her plate as she spoke, grabbing a spoonful of peas before dumping them back onto the the plate over and over again.

"Nothing to be scared of," Harry said with a soft smile, looking down the table at her. She was a few seats down, and he smiled at her when she  finally looked up. "I didn't know anything or anybody when I went to Hogwarts. You'll have us. It'll be fine."

"Yeah," put in Teddy standing up and putting one foot in his chair for dramatic effect. "I'll protect you!"

Ava laughed and Scorpius threw a pea at his brother. Noticing the commotion around the rest of the table, Lyra and Anita who had been calmly sitting in their high chairs while the enchanted spoons fed them were now bouncing and giggling and taking notes from Scorpius on how to throw mashed peas.

"No!" said the ravenette standing up and picking up one of the girls. Draco was right behind him.

"What do you mean she'll'have you'?" Dudley asked laying his own utensils down on top of his plate and looking very confused. Harry didn't look any better off, to be honest.

"They're professors," Nick said looking down the table. "They teach Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Oh," said Dudley. Then he was staring at Harry so hard the darker man was starting to feel like he was being put on the spot and started blushing. "You'll keep'er safe, won't you? If anything goes wrong, you'll make sure she's okay?"

Harry nodded firmly.

"I helped you, didn't I?"

Dudley gave him a relieved grin, but when Vivian leaned closer to ask him what he was talking about he just shook his head as if to let her know he'd tell her later. Draco also looked between the two with confusion before letting it go. Even if he barely knew the Dursleys, he liked Ava and he trusted Harry.

When dinner was finally over Teddy and Scorpius went to show Nick and Nat to their rooms for the summer.

"You lot are happy to stay the night as well," Draco told Vivian with a smile as she looked down at Lyra Narcissa who was happily giggling while playing with her father's soft blonde hair.

"How did you both manage to find someone to carry them that look so much like you?" the woman asked seemingly out of nowhere.

"We didn't."

"So did you carry them, then?"

"No, Harry did."

When she realized he was being serious, her eyes grew wide.


"Why do you ask?" he asked and she looked around as if she would be overheard, but Harry who was bouncing little Anita had sent Ava upstairs with the other kids and was also showing Dudley up to a room.

"We've been trying for a second, but...well I wasn't even supposed to be able to have kids, so Ava was a miracle. We thought maybe I could do it again, but it's been years. I was hoping that if you had found someone to carry for you, you could help us out."

"I don't know of anyone specifically, who could carry," he said purposefully not mentioning Harry, because the bloody martyr he was, he would give birth for anyone in world if he could. "Though a lot of kids were left without parents after the war. They're teenagers at this point, but you could always adopt. If you wanted to give birth, then there were also a few pregnant women who died during the war. Their wombs were removed and put under stasis charms, but I'm not sure how those embryos would have held up this long. In theory you could end up carrying for months and the child die anyway. Harry has a friend that is great with this sort of thing, though. I'm sure she'd be more help than I would."

She was crying as she thanked him, but he knew it would be okay. He would help her if he could. Just like he was still trying to help Blaise.

"Would you like to hold her?" he asked, untangling his baby girl from his hair. Vivian only nodded before reaching out and pulling the giggling bundle into her arms. Lyra gave her a toothless grin before reaching out to touch her short curly hair.

A crash sounded upstairs just before Harry yelled: "Hey, Malfoy!" in his 'please-don't-be-mad' voice.

Draco rolled his eyes but smiled and nodded his head towards the stairs.

"Let's go see what my husband has gotten into this time," he said to Vivian before calling back to the worrisome ravenette upstairs. "It better not be father's china!"

"Tell Lucius to stop leaving his china all over the bloody house!"

"He was hiding it from the Weasleys!"

"And he thought the third floor linen closet was the best place to do that?"

Vivian was laughing as they made their way up the stairs and when he looked back at her, he couldn't tell she had ever been crying. He smiled again.


picture this time was submitted by: PathOfThoth
who is like a super cool nerd. seriously. follow them & like become their best friend. solid strategy.

also...fucking late posting again
mostly cause i locked myself out of my dorm and had no way to get in and charge my phone or ipad which is what i usually update on....sorry

next update for this should be Saturday, then Sunday update is FtB2

how do you feel about this huge fucking family rn?

hate it? love it? lemme know.

hope you enjoyed this chappie tho
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋  

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