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Draco walked towards the kitchen while the kids were forcing themselves into the closest bathrooms possible and had to dodge the running set of mini wizards.

"Scorpius," he said warningly.

"It's Ted! I s-swear!" The boy responded, even as he was still pushing past his brother and chasing after the older kids up the stairs to the shower.

"Morning, again," the older blonde said once he had reached the doorway of the large kitchen, watching as his husband snorted a laugh, before walking in and kissing each of his daughters on the cheek. "Mind explaining why the kids are running through the house?"

"I asked them if they washed up at all," Harry said finally allowing himself to laugh. Draco gasped, looking appalled causing Harry to burst into laughter yet again.

"None of them!?"

"Nope," Harry said, popping the p.

"I- just- but why not?"

"It's summer," Harry said shrugging.

"That's no excuse," the blond said, still shocked.

"There was a lot going on last night, if I remember right. Plus, they didn't know we needed an early start today. It'll be fine, we still have a few hours."

"Father would die if he knew."

"I wouldn't cross my fingers," Harry mumbled and got a stinging hex to the bum as a response.

"Go finish dressing, Potter. I'll finish breakfast."

"Oh, thank Merlin!" the darker man said dropping the spatula as if it had bitten him. Harry was gone before Draco could say much else.

"Your clothes are hanging on the wardrobe door."

"My husband's better than yours!" Harry yelled back as he rushed upstairs.

"You bloody well bet he is!"

Harry laughed the rest of the way up the stairs. He stoppee when he ran into a yawning Sierra. Her short dark hair was pulled back into a small messy bun on the top of her head. She was rubbing her eyes but dropped her hands when she heard the sound of crashing furniture.

"G'morning," said Harry walking by her with a smile to go check on the kids. She grabbed his wrist before he could get any further and he stopped to look at her expectantly.

"Thank you again, Mr. Potter. I can't tell you how much it means to have you doing this for me and my kids." She was looking down as she spoke and he placed a hand on her arm to get her to look up.

"Don't worry about it. We love your kids, they've been great friends to Scorpius and they're wonderful students. Oh, and Sierra?"


"Just call me Harry."

She nodded and laughed, but let him go all the same. He smiled crookedly at her before turning abruptly and making his way towards the crashing noises. When he rounded the corner Teddy was in the middle of morphing into Draco and Harry tried to conceal his snort of amusement when he did it almost on the first try. The hair was too long and the shoulders were not quite narrow enough, but it was a great likeness. Harry would have thought it was him if he didn't know better. If he hadn't known Draco's body better than his own.

"Something's not right," Harry heard Scorpius say confused from the room. "You look like him, but I can tell you aren't him, still. Does that make sense?"

"Absolutely," Harry says surprising the now washed and dressed bunch of kids as he made his way into the room. "You know him well enough to spot the little differences. That's good, so you won't be fooled as easily. Ted could probably morph into me a bit better. Why not give it a go, Ted."

"I'm trying to work from memory only, Pops, but you're already here. Oh!" he said finally, "I'll try Gam."

Harry knew how hard Teddy had taken it when Andromeda died. He barely talked about it even now, it was too painful so the ravenette let him have this. Teddy shrank in height. His shoulders, hips and torso widened quite a bit, his legs following shortly after. His hair was long and pale brown with wisps of aged silver. His face was the last to morph, though it wasn't too much of a change considering he started with Draco's as a base. He blinked a few times to get the eyes right before he turned to his dad expectantly as if he had forgotten what she looked like and needed reassurance and Harry almost sobbed when he realized that's exactly what was going on. He looked just like her down to the twitch of the lips.

"Spot on, Ted," said Harry. "She would have been proud of you."

"No she wouldn't've," Teddy snorted as he morphed back into himself. "She would have wanted me to stop playing around so much and get serious."

"You know she loved you," Harry said quietly stepping forward to pull the boy into his arms.

"Yeah," the boy said thickly, still stopping himself from crying as he laid his head on his dad's chest. "I know."

When he pulled away he was all smiles again. Scorpius looked up into Harry's eyes sadly, because he had never particularly got the best impression of Andromeda, but she was family and thats all that mattered right now.

"Alright then," said Harry standing up a bit straighter. "You lot can head downstairs for breakfast, I'm gonna finish getting dressed and meet you down there."

There were smiles all around as the kids rushed past him and down into the kitchen, though Nick did slow to a stop once everyone else had gone.

"Uh...Professor Potter, sir?"

Harry hung his head. There wasn't much he could do to stop being called sir.

"What d'you need, Nick?"

"Just- well, sir...I'm going to be okay, aren't I? I'm not going to get sent to Azkaban, right? They aren't going to break my wand or- or I don't know..."

"Nick, take a deep breath. You're going to be fine. Draco and I wouldn't let anything happen to you. I promise."

"Thanks, sir."

"Nothing to thank me for." Harry shrugged and continued walking towards his room. "Now, go have breakfast before Teddy eats it all."

Nick continued staring at Harry's retreating back with an anxious look before finally turning on his heel and rushing down for breakfast.


hey futher muckers
(pic is mine yet again)

as i have explained before
i am lucky enough to be in london
fuck YeAh
i have an HP Studio Tour planned for next weekend so i dont know if i'll update before then, but probably definitely after...?

hope you guys enjoy this chappie
hope it didn't feel too filler-y

the next few chaps may feel wonky because of the trial and a time skip or two, but im excited for this book and i hope y'all are too

lemme know whatchall think
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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