- douze -

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Harry laid his head on Draco's lap contentedly as they sat on the couch in the sitting room of the manor. They had spent the rest of the day talking through things to do for the rest of the summer. Hermione suggested over the floo that Draco finish his book series and Harry couldn't help but to agree so there they were, trying to figure out the logistics of the triwizard tournament as a writing mechanism.

"You know," said Harry quietly, looking up at him, but not wanting to disrupt their peace with their past. "Your dad was there...in the graveyard. He was there when Voldemort first came back."

Draco wasn't looking at him, but his hand stalled for only a second in its motion through his hair.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"But I'm still sorry. My father's a bloody fucking cunt and I know that, okay? I do, but he's- he's my father, Harry and I can't change that. I still love him. He's trying to do better; be better, for the kids."

"I know Draco. I've spoken to your dad since then. He's even forced his way through an apology. I'm not mad. I just wanted to let you know before we got too far into writing this one. This one is different. Everything changed in fourth year and I just- when we're having these writing meetings to story block I feel like it's not real anymore, like it never happened." He's reaching a hand out in front of him as if he's trying to hold something he can't grasp. His eyes are glazed over and Draco leans down to kiss his temple. He blinks a few times before looking up, green eyes meeting grey. His smile is soft and sad, but his eyes aren't as distant and Draco goes back to running fingers through his hair.

"You stopped taking your anti-depressant potions," asked Draco, but it's more of an observation, Harry knows that, but he makes a noncommital sound of agreement anyway. Draco's voice isn't judgmental when he asks: "Why?"

"After I had the girls the potions were making me feel worse so Mindhealer Laghari suggested I waited until my hormones were balanced again."

"Harry, love, the girls are almost 7 months old."

"I was hoping I could do better on my own."

"And are you?"

Harry didn't answer, but his silence was enough and Draco leaned down to kiss his temple again. If Harry wanted to work on it, that's what they'd do.


Scorpius sat outside with Hugo and Nick, watching as the rest of the kids ran around in the backyard of the Burrow chucking gnomes. He was trying not to bite his nails, but he was getting tired of bouncing his leg.

"Hey, Nick," Hugo says blushing, "I'm glad you got out..."

"Yeah, me too," said the dark haired boy. He scratched at the back of his neck and looked away from the two younger boys beside him. "So, uh...I've been thinking about- er- things, I guess, and if you guys will still want me then, I would like to be you guy's boyfriend too, but maybe like in a year or so?"

Scorpius was beaming up at him, but Hugo looked unsure. He agreed anyway, because Scorpius looked so happy and he was pretty sure he'd do anything to make the blond smile.

Hugo wasn't stupid.  His dad was an auror and his mum was the brightest witch in the ministry, so he had figured out how to know lip service when he heard it. He knew he was a little young and that was Nick's hold-up. He hadn't even been to Hogwarts yet. Of course he was too young. His dad didn't really like the fact he was dating yet anyway. Even he had started getting a bit uneasy about it when Scorpius hit yet another growth spurt. His mother told him not to worry too much about his height, because his dad was tall and so were his granddads and his dad reminded him that all Weasley men were tall, except his Uncle Percy, but only because he was no fun.

Scorpius smiled and laughed with Nick through a couple of conversations and Hugo only watched sadly with a contemplative look in his eye. Scorp hugged him tightly and bent down to peck his nose before following Teddy and the Stevensons back through the floo to Malfoy Manor. It didn't take long for him to make up his mind.


Scorpius had thought he was having a good day. His sister's weren't screaming or babbling or accidentally magic-ing themselves all over the house, Teddy was with his Dad learning about the Black history from the elves, and his Pa was showing him how to conjure a patronus.

"Potter," said his dad, not looking up from where he was concentrating on knitting a hat for the elf chattering amicably in front of him and Teddy, "he doesn't need to know that."

"I learned in my third year, and I taught Teddy in his, Scorp's gonna learn too," he'd insisted not making any move to change his mind. And that had been that.

By all accounts, it should have been a great day. But then there was an owl tapping on the glass behind him. He opened the window to let the bird in, before giving him a few treats. He was waiting for the bird to make it's delivery. He was sure it was there for his Dad from Grandmére or for his Pa from an admirer or something, what he didn't expect was for the bird to tug at his shirt whenever he tried to walk away before finally outstretching her huge wings and flying above him and dropping a letter into his hands. It was from Hugo. He smiled, because he thought it would be a love letter, could only be a love letter...but then he opened the envelope and it was the complete opposite.

Hu was breaking up with him. Didn't want to see him. Needed space and time to get over him, because they had been friends for so long, had been practically dating almost just as long and didn't think he could have done it in person. Didn't feel mature enough, he'd written, to do it in person.

Scorpius dropped the letter and ran into his room and cried, because he thought things had been going well. Had thought that they were working things out. Had thought Hu would always be there. His Pa came in after a while with a mug of hot chocolate and plate of biscuits and left it on his night stand.

As Harry walked out of the room again, he looked back at his son with a sad gleam in his eyes, because he knew how bad it hurt to lose your first love, but he also knew that first loves didn't always last. They were there to teach you how to share yourself with someone else, but they weren't there forever. He knew Scorp wouldn't want to hear that right now, and he closed the door behind him with a soft thump.


hey futher muckers

my wattpad app is still wonky
ive been responding to comments on desktop which is messy and i hate it...so if you ask me something or say something and i don't respond, that's why

i got back from New York yesterday and i was kinda super tired and annoyed with this app, so sorry the update wasn't up before now.

school season is back upon us and im sorry

anyway, hope you guys like this chappie
(even if i always feel like they're rushed)
lemme know whatchall think, yeah?

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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