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"We're professors, Harry!" Draco said barely a month into the new term after both he and Harry had spent the first 10 minutes of their morning puking up their guts. It was a Saturday, but they had both woke up hot and nauseous. "This is the first job I've had in ages and I doubt McGonagall is going to keep letting us off because we keep having kids."

"Draco don't be so-"

"Call me dramatic, Potter." He stops pacing to face Harry angrily. "I dare you."

"I wasn't- I'm just saying, maybe you're taking this a bit too far. You're probably not pregnant, so there's no reason to be so stressed out about it."

"I've been having cramps for more than two weeks now. Either I'm pregnant or I'm having my first menstrual cycle and we both know one is a bit more likely than the other!"

"I've been having cramps too, Draco. It doesn't mean-"

"Then we should both get a pregnancy test done," the blonde said resolutely with crossed arms and Harry sputtered.

"We're not pregnant. You're probably just nervous, it's a new school year, you always get antsy when you can't see the boys all the time."

"And what's your excuse?" When Harry doesn't respond he keeps going. "And what do we do if I am," Draco says, hands on his stomach, pacing back and forth again, across the room. "If we are?"

"Celebrate?" Harry says confused.

"I'm being serious, Harry."

"So am I. We'll get through this, whatever this is and we'll be fine. If we are pregnant, and that's a huge if, then we do what we always do, teach and take care of our kids."

"How're you so bloody calm about this?"

"We literally just had twins almost a year ago."


"It's probably a vitamin deficiency or something anyway, so there's no need to get so worked up about it. They'll prescribe us a few supplement potions and send us on our way."

"They better. We can't afford any more children right now," Draco said and Harry stared at him with a leveled glare.

"Draco we could afford ten more children if we wanted."

"In terms of money, of course we could. But what we can't afford, is to make time for more children right now. We work full time and we already have a house full-"

"So," Harry asked growing tense and backing away from where he had been trying to get through to his husband. "If you are pregnant, what're you going to do, huh? Terminate it?"

"No!" Draco responded, turning around to face the raven-haired man, surprised, "I'd never! I just- Harry I don't know what I'd do, but I know I don't want our child growing up thinking we don't care because we never have enough time for them."

"That would never happen. Draco, I know how you're feeling. I used to feel that way all the time, that's why Teddy was with Andromeda for so long, I didn't think I would be good at raising a kid, let alone having a family." He stops talking to run a hand through his hair and when he pulls it down looking lost, Draco grabs ahold of it and kisses his knuckles softly. "You know what I've realized since then," asked Harry through a whisper, green eyes locked on those shimmery mercury ones.

"How right you were?" he asked, partially joking, partially serious, and completely terrified.

"That we're great parents. I never had any real shining examples, but I know we love them unconditionally and we try our damnedest to be there for them and to a kid, that's practically all that matters." Harry  is holding Draco's head in his hands, with his palms on his cheeks and the blond leans into the grip softly as Harry swipes the tears from his face with his thumbs. Draco chuckles then sends Harry a crooked little smirk before leaning in and kissing him.

"How did I ever manage to deserve you?"

"You know," said the ravenette playfully, "I've been asking myself the same thing."


"Scorpius Malfoy," boomed a voice from the other end of the hall and he was almost positive that she didn't need a sonorous charm. He stopped in his tracks and turned around unimpressed.

"Olivia," he greeted, bored. He had taken his potions, but on days like today (like the last few days, really) they didn't help his depressive episodes. They just made him numb. If she noticed something was up, she didn't let on. Breakfast that morning hadn't really tasted like much as far as he knew, but then again he had spent all of breakfast ignoring Nick and Nat, opting instead to stare at Hugo over at the Gryffindor table, smiling and laughing with other students. He left early to take his potions and had felt off ever since.

"You want to tell me why I didn't get a single letter from you all summer? I sent you owls, and you never even responded," she said fuming when she finally made it to him, but Scorpius only shrugged."You've been ignoring me like all term."

"Term just started."

"And yet, here we are."

"S'complicated." Another shrug. He wasn't looking in her eyes, but his Malfoy stance was still all fine lines and angles and grace. She growled in her throat.

"Then uncomplicate it."

"I was busy." He shrugged again and turned to walk away, but she grabbed his wrist, her sharp purple nails digging into his arm. Uncomfortable, but not painful.

"Malfoy, what is going on with you?"

"Have you ever th-thought that maybe it's none of your business?" He said breaking free and walking away. His tone wasn't particularly harsh or rushed, so he could keep his stuttering to a minimum and Olivia decided that that's what hurt the most. That he was handling her with such a clinical precision. Such a distanced perspective. Like she was no one.

"You know what?" She yelled after him. "Fuck you, Scorpius Malfoy. You're just a pathetic freak anyway!" She wanted him to get angry or get upset or give her that look like he knew she was just kidding because that's how Slytherins were. She wanted him to scream at her or cry until she apologized or laugh or do anything that he normally would have done. What she didn't want...what she never would have expected was for him to turn around, posture perfect, eyes distant, and say: "I know."


hey futher muckers
how you lot doin??
everyday update #3


tomorrow's update is practically done,
but move in is today so iM drAiNeD

fact: families can be toxic. dont think that you have to put up with them or "friends" who treat you in ways that make you uncomfortable or constantly upset/angry/on edge just because they're blood or because they've been around you all your life. you deserve better than that, dont let them make you think otherwise.

hope y'all enjoy this chappie
lemme know whatchall think, eh?

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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