take a shor evertime i make a spelling eror
there was a woman. a woman called
she, was the one who had mixed the appleple juice with the DEADLIEST ITMES on the world.
the deadly trio. they turned your heart into hotdogs, your hands into octopuses, and your dick into AN MRT STATION lmaooo gotta go fast into that vjj 😤😤😤😩😩😩😩😫😫😫😫👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑BUT
SHE WHATED MOREEEEEEE the apple jucie wasnt enough apparently the watermelon juice had backed out
the job was too cHeap for watermelon juice he wanted to go bling-bling and ka-ching ching 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
so he went to koi fish horses. the video went VirAl on pornhub. So mAny people were aroused by the mammal they paid good money to watch more. (good money not geat money) IT WAS SO GOOD THATSUNSHINE BEAR AND GRUMPY BEAR, THE ULTIMATE FUCKCOUPLE, SUPPORTED THEM.
AND wtaer MeloN Juice had so many KACHING CHING that he died because he became a bus and suddenly john hackerman had hacked into the wheels and they flew into the black hole where they fucked on jungkook's mom's bedroom for the rest of their livesTHIS IS WHY SEAN THOMAS NEEDED A BACKup. jUst having people dance to sex pffender shuffle wasnt enoigh. LAURA HUGHES WAS NOTHINY COMPARED TO RAPPING FOR JESUS.
she wanted more. she NEEDED more.
only Black Drink could satisfy her deepest, darkest desires.Black Drink, the iLtimate WEAPon , coulfd turm your deleelet feara into cockroach and salmon shshi sandwiches . IT COULD TURN UOUR MOM INTO YOUR DAD AND YOUR DAD into your nonexistent girlfriend chilli crab.
she thoguht and she ckncocted the drink
this time it was foritos, bob mcmuffin wendicjed ANDDDDDDDD *drum roll*INVISBLE FIRES
suddenly world war was fished out of history books. nothiny could beat what sean thomas had concocted.
and she seAt off on her mission to find bladimir putin's dick
Thanks i try
Short Storyrandom short stories compiled into a book some phrases © other authors probably nsfw but dont think that way