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"If you don't tell me where and how you got that device right now, then I'm taking your rights to your fancy salmon!"


"Still no answer eh?"

"Well two can play that game."


It appeared to Arthur that he was not going to retrieve any information on the phone at all and the fact that he might be insane for trying to talk to a cat. He really did need help, first he unlocked the phone and just had to press that shiny red and yellow button now did he?

And the strange people that came with it.

After the sudden embarrassment of joining a chat with no one he knows and being treated as an intruder then a hacker and for some odd twisted reason a new toy that crazy Matthias thinks he can get. It was more absurd on the number of people on the app! He didn't think that such an app can host 30+ people without the slightest hint of a lag or error. Whoever made that app did know what he or she was doing.

Arthur staggered onto his bed, defeated and glum. He rinsed his face with his sweaty palms and leaned into his soft bed. This day was already going downhill. How was he going to explain to William that he so happened to find a very familiar suit on sale at the Skizty Mall?

And William isn't at all daft, he's a goddamn lawyer forsakes! And one that leaves the dishes unclean and dirty. Oh, that wrench. A sudden this jolted Arthur's senses. He glanced at the direction of the sound, and low and behold it's the thing that started all of this nonsense.


Without a single care in the world, he practically slipped through the covers and stretched onto Arthur's back. At least he's cute. Muffins then started a very long game of kneading his back as if it was a particularly hard dough. Nevermind, he isn't cute anymore.

Arthur quickly turned over 180 degrees and flipped over. He caught Muffins in a daze and hugged the lazy feline. Muffins was started for a second but immediately calmed by the presence of his master's sweet and tender scent.

Arthur sighed. He held Muffins at an arm's distance in the air and was more than surprised to see a note tied around Muffins neck. It was wired by a red knot and seemed to be expertly sewed together. Interesting, the pattern of the knots intertwingering were familiar, like a faint distant memory that he can't lose.

Arthur quickly brushed off his delusional thoughts and focused on the note, he grabbed the note in a surprising quicka me accurate manner from a cat that suddenly decided to jump off the bed.

Well, having 4 brothers teaches you many things, one of the most important is survival of the quickest.

Arthur unravels the note carefully. Trying not to pry it open with too much force that it would crumple like the fallen school papers on his clean floor. The paper felt fresh like a new book feel with its edges sharp as a claw and the texture smooth to gloss over.

He gently pried it open, with both hands he opens the strange note. In it it revealed: DeAR whoever geTs tHis letter anonymoUs is tRying.

Strange, very increasingly strange.

He glanced back at the shiny phone on his desk. Sitting down absentmindedly with no idea how much confusion its causing the owner.

I should really respond by now. They must wonder why I'm taking so long. It is quite rude to not respond to direct questions without at least acknowledgement.

Thought his gentleman way, he marches over to the table which wasnt even a walk, it was only 2 and a half steps. He grabbed the phone and opened it up and-

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