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Chapter 3

Arthur lightly pressed the input option for the chat and a request afterwards popped up.

It read: 'Please input your name, as in your real name that your parents bestowed upon you. (Written in lower caps and hidden below the message: and that goes for Alfred, Matthias, and especially Gilbert).

Arthur made sure to create a mental note not to interact or in the very least talk to them. They seem like alot of trouble.

Arthur quietly imputed his name, until it-

Arthur entered the chatroom

Francis: oh!!

That sounds familiar!

Arthur's eyebrows were furrowed, he didn't know anybody by the name of francis, maybe that's just his username?

No that couldn't be it, the message specifically said 'your real name'.

Or unless he ignored the message anyway.

Arthur: Beg, your pardon, but is that so?. But I don't know of any Francis'

Francis: Arthur is the name of my future lover, you see

Arthur groaned.

Surprisingly,(even though it really isn't all that surprising) more messages responded in.

Tino: Arthur huh?

What a lovely name!

Bella: yes, it's very classy and elegant

much like your writing style~~

So polite ^~^

Lukas: it rolls off the tongue very fluidly

All of them into the accepted list

Matthias: I don't know guys, Matthias sounds way more cool

Congrats Matthias, you just joined Francis into the never category!

Berwald: shut up

Hello, new ally. Care to make fun of Matthias aswell?

Emil: another one talks!

Gilbert: look at who's talking lol

João: oh Arthur!

I'm glad to make your acquaintance!

I'm João!

Please remember me as the nice Portuguese man!


THE HERO: makes his entrance!

My name is A...a mystery!!!

Goodluck finding it out lolololol

Ivan: his dumb name is Alfred and people know me as Ivan

Maybe, that Ivan. Quite possibly.

Yao: My name is Yao and I'm intrigued to meet you

I'm feeling quite the same here

Toris: I'm new here and I'm Toris!

I come from Lithuania and I hope we can be good friends

Definitely, Arthur nods to himself

Tino: oh right! We barely introduced ourselves at all!

I'm Tino, but it's pretty obvious by my username

I was born in Finland but I traveled here to study from a scholarship

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