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Chapter 5

Arthur: Yes, I do.

Kiku: Good, I think that you will be a great addition to the chat.

Arthur exhaled a breath he didn't know he was taking. Was this messenger that serious? Who are these people? How much power do they hold?

Arthur:How did you know that I was...

Kiku: I was one of my friends who helped to design the messenger, meaning that I know alot more than coding and programming. I was raised by a technology tacoon company. The binary code was my alphabets and coding my sentences.


Kiku: if you fear your information is going to spread, fear not. This is safe only between us. I will also add additional security measurements to ensure no one else can find your information.

Arthur: thank you

Kiku: no need to thank me, this is mandatory to ensure our safety

Arthur: will the others know about me being

Kiku:No, I plan to make sure that none of them does.

Arthur: thank you very much.

But what do you know about me exactly?

Kiku: That is classified information.

Arthur roller his eyes. He swear he could imagine the alpha smirking behind that screen. Arrgoant fool.

Arthur:But that is my information, I have the right to know.

Kiku: fair point, but I need to speak to my advisors before handling out such important information to an unknown.

Arthur smiled.

Arthur: What rubbish.

You don't even have higher ups, this app is for personal use isn't it?

Arthur smiled in triumph. He could picture the alpha sunken in defeat. That only made his smile more long.

Kiku: (Japanese for hahahaahh)

You amuse me, omega.

Arthur: thank you, my alpha.

Arthur giggled at that before slowly typing the next words:

But the info?

Kiku: Arthur, 21 years old, British,omega and very cute.

Arthur flushed. Hey, what kind of pictures does he have?


Arthur awkwardly shuffled in his pinsuit and tried to rehearse his lines again. His sweat was slowly gracing down his light blue shirt and black jacket. His pants were a lovely dark shade of ceraluen to match his button up shirt.

He might dare to say that he looked good, but his hair and face was a mess. His hair was sprouting into different directions and his face was a flustered mess. He looked like a miserable weed pulled out a sunflower garden.

Arthur groaned as he gently tossed the sakura blossoms into his bed. How will he ever met Kiku now?


Kiku brushed and brushed his neat black hair. The hair strands smoothly folding down into clear sharp lines. But, the intended effect was quite bland and like the usual Japanese man:boring.

Kiku clamped his hands into his face, breathing in deeply before taking a long breath and taking the courage to confe-

-to a cracked mirror which was quickly broken by a roaring baseball through the window.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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