Chapter 4

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William groaned as his dear older brother Scott wailed to him. Going off about how Arthur, their lovely omega brother wasn't paying attention to Scott and how he only has eyes for education. Blah blah blah, William was getting tired of the same old routine.

In the morning, Scott would tease Arthur relentlessly about finding a new 'sparring partner'. While Arthur would scream back at him and shit the door with a thundering purposeful door shut. Then Scott would further tease him outside his room, while Arthur would blast off his emo songs. Charles would use his handy earplugs that William needs to borrow from and Peter would run outside the house and visit his friend from Laoind or something.

It was a tiring and relentless routine that each of the Kirkland brothers had to deal with. That is until one morning, when the most peculiar thing happened.

William parked his Prius near his home, and started to walk towards home. His house (yes his house, in his mother's will, it said that he owns the house as soon as Scott moves out) was quite the most British house to exist. The stones were moltening and copious amount of weed and green grew around the corners and edges. At least, the house had two floors to enjoy but the residents (his annoying brothers) were the bad side that comes with the house.

William started to open the front door and unlocked it with a characteristic click. He grinned to himself. Memories of his dear mother returning home with pastries or toys to play with. All those sweet memories reflected by a simple click of a door.

William softly laughed; he wrestled with his blond hair and uncurled some unruly locks. That is until he finally smelled the rancid odor of the guilt of a flustered mess.

What the hell?


Arthur stuffed his shirt into his armpits and slathered airomater and perfumes to his neck. He smelled like a hybrid of rose, lavender, honey, vanilla and chocolate. Don't ask about the chocolate part. He laid down on his knees and begged the gods for mercy. Hoping that William will ignore the odor and go about his normal days.

Unluckily, god didn't hear him or was ignoring him, which wasn't strange for the British boy. He for the most of the time got the short end of the stick. Which was why he was now barricading the door with his chair and whatever was mobile and heavy. Which again wasn't much and was very heavy.

A high pitched ear wrenching scream was heard when a polite 3 knocks were resounded in the feverish room. William took that as a sign to continue knocking then stomping and kicking and afterward rocking the door open.

It only took 3 hours of advanced warfare of screams of Arthur to leave him alone and William questioning what in holy hell was going on to finally end with a truce. A truce to eat dinner and to never speak of this fiasco again, this was the routine of Williams everyday life.

But for some odd absurd reason, he didn't mind it one bit at all.


Arthur awoke the next day with a very annoying headache. Headaches weren't uncommon in the Kirkland household, it's more of a lifestyle, really. But this one was unusually unbearable, it was more uncomfortable than painful however.

At this point in his life, Arthur can classify and label his headaches starting all the way from 'Scott is taking the piss' to 'Peter is whining for attention'. Surely, Arthur should win an award for not bitch-slapping any one of his brothers. It's quite the amazing feat to be literal.

How the poor omega could stand it was truly, a pure miracle. Or a curse. Either way, he still tossed and turned in his nest from the paralysing migraine. This type of headache, he hadn't experienced in a long time.

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