Chapter 2

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Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday Azazel, Happy Birthday to me. As I'm sure you just guessed today is my birthday, and to celebrate I'm releasing 2 chapters for this story and an extra chapter for my other story "The Secret Prince". It might be my birthday but you, the readers, get the present.

Ash 16
Serena 16

Five years before tournament

It was a beautiful day in Pallet town, a light breeze, comfortable temperature, and not a cloud in the sky, perfect walking weather and that is just what two teenagers were doing.  Those people were none other than Ash and Serena, walking hand in hand heading to Ash's house after his lose in the Kalos league. Ash was disappointed but he was still happy, he made it farther than ever, his team was his strongest, his journey through Kalos was his favorite so far, and he had his dream girl Serena, the only regret he had was he and Serena didn't become a couple sooner.

Ash found out how Serena felt about in after his lose in Snowbell city, while he was off being depressed Serena came looking for him. While she was trying to give him a pep talk she let it slip that she loved him, they both froze when those words slipped out. Serena fearing the worst tried to run, but was stopped by Ash as he grabed her arm pulling her back and into a passionate kiss. When they broke the kiss Ash felt complete and said he's been in love with her for most of there journey. After the Kalos league Serena was given a chance to study Pokemon contests as training to help her become Kalos Queen, however she turned it down. When Ash asked why she did that she smiled and said the Kalos Queen was a goal, but that being with Ash was her dream and that she never wanted to leave his side.

Now at the front door to his mother's house Ash hesitates to open the door, then the door opens revealing a face he didn't expect, "hey Brock what are you doing here?" "We've been waiting for you," said Brock who then turns to Serena, "and who are you?" "Hi I'm Serena." "She's my girlfriend," Ash added. Brock cringed slightly from that statement, "come in, everyone's waiting." Ash and Serena followed Brock to the living room where he saw almost all of his past traveling companions and his mom sitting in a chair looking very upset. Ash started to walk to his mom, "mom, what's wrong? What's going on?" "We're here to stop you," said Misty. Ash stopped and looked at them very confused, "what are you guys talking about?" "For starters your a bad trainer. Look at your Pokemon, so many of them aren't even evolved. Yes they are strong, but since they haven't evolved the issue has to be with you," replied Cilian. "I can't force them to evolve, if they don't want to then that's fine with me," cried Ash. "That's just another sign of how much of a little kid you are. Your a trainer, you should want them to evolve to bring our there full potential, not be ok with them not evolving. Not to mention you just lost your sixth league. Seriously after all this time anyone else would have won a league by now. You obviously need to quit and do something else," said Iris. "And let's not forget how dangerous you are," Dawn added. "What are you talking about," Ash questioned. "You keep getting involved with all these criminal organizations even when it doesn't involve you. Max just got his starter the other day and started his own journey. He idolizes you and my biggest fear right now is he will get involved with criminals, trying to stop them like you did and gets hurt or worse. And what about former members of the group's you stopped, what if they decide to just come after any of us just because of you," argued May. "ARE ALL OF YOU IDIOTS! SOME OF THESE GROUPS WOULD HAVE DESTROYED THE WORLD IF WE DIDN'T STOP THEM! ALSO, NONE OF YOU HAD TO COME WITH ME. YOU ALL CHOSE TO FOLLOW ME INTO THESE SITUATIONS," Ash yelled. "Think about Serena Ash, how would it feel if she got hurt because of you," said Brock. Ash then looked a Serena, then Brock spoke again, "Ash, we've talked about it. The best way to keep you out of trouble is if you don't have any Pokemon. Don't worry, we'll take care of some and find good trainers for the others that will truly be able to  make them strong." Ash was still silent looking at the ground, Pikachu tapping his head trying to snap him out of it. Then Serena finally spoke up bringing Ash back, "You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You are all so selfish, you all just think of yourselves. Ash thinks of others first then himself. He puts his life on the line to do the right thing and saves lives. The fact that Ash doesn't mind if his Pokemon don't want to evolve is just a sign of how great of trainer he is. I know exactly what I'm getting into with Ash, it might not always be safe, but I know he will always be there for me as my hero." Ash smiled, knowing he wasn't alone. Then a new voice, Delia spoke up, "Ash, I can't lie I wish you were home more. But I can't deny all the good you've done, you've been a hero to so many people. No you haven't won a league, but you won the orange league. Their champion was undefeated before you, this shows you have what it takes. And from the looks of it, that beautiful young women there beside you agrees with me. So get out there, and achieve your dream, I believe in you." Ash smiled, took Serena's hand and started to leave. "I don't think so your not going anywhere," said Brock as he grabbed Ash's other arm. Ash then let go of Serena's hand, turned pulling that arm back, then punched Brock in the face, then gave Pikachu the command he had been waiting for, "Pikachu thunderbolt all of them but mom." Pikachu then released the powerful attack leaving everyone stunned.

Once outside Ash and Serena started running to professor Oaks lab. Once there Ash burst through the door, which got the professors attention, "Ash what's going on, what happened?" Ash then explained what just occurred. "Are you kidding me? You are considered a hero in almost every region you've been to. All the professors and champions speak very highly of you, some telling me how you've even saved the world several times. As for your Pokemon, there's nothing wrong that you don't want to force them to evolve, even the World Champion has the same thoughts on the subject as you." "Thank you professor, but now I need all my Pokemon, I need to get them out of here to make sure they are safe," said Ash. "I understand, they are all outside. You go gather them, miss please come with me, I'm going to need some help bringing out all the pokeballs." Ash ran outside, Pikachu let out a thunderbolt into the air to signal all of his Pokemon, within two minutes all his Pokemon arrived happy to see there trainer. Upon arriving they could all tell something was wrong. After the last of them arrived Ash explained what happened,  Ash's Pokemon were furious to say the least, many wanting to run off and teach the traitors a lesson, especially the unevolved  Pokemon. In this time Serena and professor Oak returned with all of Ash's pokeballs. "I'll be right back, I'm going to get you a duffle bag for your pokeballs and a few other things," said the professor as he put the pokeballs down and ran back inside. Ash and Serena returned all of Ash's Pokemon except for Pikachu and Charizard. Ash then look at Serena, "Serena, I'm sorry coming to Kanto turned out like this." "Ash don't worry about me, you don't need to apologize," said Serena using a comforting tone. Ash looked down, "Serena, I have no idea where to go now, all I know is I need to prove them wrong and be the best. I would understand if you don't want to follow me to where ever I end up going." Ash finally looked up at Serena and saw a sad look on her face that turned to a smile, she then put her hands on his cheeks, "Ash, I told you in Kalos that I never want to leave your side, that I always want to be with you. I don't care where you want to go, but where ever it is I'll be right there with you cheering you on." Serena then pulled Ash into a passionate, loving kiss. They held the kiss for a few seconds but were forced to break it from the sound of professor Oak clearing his throat. "Sorry to interrupt," said professor Oak as he handed Ash a duffle bag. "I also included some super potions, antidotes, and berries." "Thanks professor," Ash said as he and Serena put all the pokeballs in the bag. "If you don't mind me asking, where do you two plan on going," the professor asked. "We aren't sure yet," Ash replied. "In that case may I make a suggestion?" Ash nodded signaling the professor to continue. "The Alola region has just gotten an official league that will be starting in about a year. The region is trying to boost its economy by drawing in more trainers, so they have also started having something called Pokemon showcases. Basically it's a competition of Pokemon performers with the final goal to be the Aloha Queen." This caught Serena's attention now, a new region with something for them both. Ash and Serena looked at each other and nodded before Ash looked back to the professor, "Alola it is." "Very good, here take this, this card contains everything you will need to know about Alola, the league, showcases, maps, everything. You will need to get something like a tablet to plug it into to download the information though." Serena took out her tablet, then took the card, inserted it into one of the port, and began the download. "Well, nice to see you two are prepared. Ash, I had to disable your trainer status so you could carry all your Pokemon. Your going to need to go to Professor Kukui to fix it and leave your Pokemon with him so you can compete," stated professor Oak. Just then they heard a load banging on the door. "That must be them, you two go now I'll stall them," said professor Oak. Then with a hand shake and wishing them good luck professor Oak ran back inside. "Ash then looked to Serena, "Well, it's just us and our Pokemon now. Which way to Alola," Ash asked. Serena opened her tablet back up, accessed a map and pointed in the direction. "Alright then let's go," with that Ash jumped onto Charizards back, then extended his hand for Serena then pulled her up behind him. "Hold on tight, Charizard let's go to Alola," Ash said as Serena wrapped her arms around him from behind. Then with a mighty roar Charizard took off to Alola.

Later that night in the home of Delia Ketchum, she is having an unwanted visitor. "You were given a simple task, crush your sons spirit to make him give up, then he wouldn't be putting anyone on anymore danger and you would get more time with him. But no you couldn't even do that!" The visitor said yelling the last part and slapping Delia across the face sending her to the ground. "I will never betray my son! He's already twice the man as you'll ever be!" Said Delia with venom in her words. The visitor then lowered him self down to Delia, "there will be consequences for your lack of cooperation. Not even his father will be able to help you." Delia's head shot back at him with a shocked look in her eye's. The visitor then smiled, "what, you didn't think no body would ever find out did you. Your son might not care who he his, but I like to know who I'm up against." The visitor then stood up and walked out. Delia just stayed there on the floor with one thought, "be careful Ash."

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