Chapter 5

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"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the World Championship Tournament." Announced a short old man wearing a tee shirt and shorts. "I am Charles Goodshow president of the Pokemon league. Today is the end of an era, as our current World Champ Red, will be standing down and retiring as World Champion after holding this title for a remarkable twenty years." Said Goodshow as he pointed to the man standing beside him. " Now the way this will work out will be simple, the battles will be three on three, until we get the the final eight where it will be full six on six battles. The winner will become the next World Champion and as a farwell to Red the winner will also have a six on six battle against Red himself." The crowd roared with excitement upon hearing this. Because of how good Red was and how hard it is just to get a chance to battle him it was very rare to see him battle, making this a special treat seeing his final official battle. "Now it will take about seven days for this tournament to complete so let's stop wasting time." Goodshow then looked to one of the tunnels exiting the battle field and smiled as the women standing there glared back, knowing the only reason she was there was because Goodshow loved babies and he wanted the world to he her pregnant. "So without any further ado, let's first start with a Pokemon performance, so let's put your hands together for the Alola Queen Serena!" The crowd cheered as she walked out, once they saw her though many wondered what was going on as she was looking rather large, although the people of Alola had heard rumors she was pregnant and were excited seeing the rumors were true. A certain group had other thoughts though, "hey, isn't that the girl who was dating Ash?" Asked May. "I think so." Said Cilan. "You don't think she's still with Ash do you?" Asked Dawn. "Come on seriously, look at her she is most defiantly pregnant. Ash probably doesn't even know where babies come from let alone how to make one." Brock Laughed. "Your right, she probably came to her senses and realized how much a loser Ash was and got herself a real man." Said Misty laughing. The others laughed as well, all accept Max who was very confused why they were talking about Ash like that.

However before Max could question them about their comments about Ash Serena spoke into her mic. "Hello everyone and welcome. Now as I'm sure many of you have guessed, I'm pregnant," The crowd started cheering, "So those of you who were hoping to see me perform I'm sorry I won't be able to. If you want someone to blame, feel free to blame my husband the Alola champion." Serena smiled while she said the last part. The traitors had their confirmation, in their minds there was no way she was still with Ash since he was such a weak trainer there was no way he could be a league Champion. Serena then continued, "However I won't leave you wanting. We have a special performance for you all today, a duet performance with none other than the Kalos Queen Shauna and the runner up in last year's Alola master class Miette!" Serena said as she pointed up into the air. Many on the people looked up and saw several figures in a free fall heading toward the stadium, those figures were none other than Shauna with her venusaur and florges, and Miette with he meowstic and slupuff. People were starting to get very nervous as they were about to enter the stadium. Then they all glowed blue as Meowstic began to use psychic and flower petals began to swirl around them as Venusaur and Florges used petal dance. Meowstic slowed their decent and as they touched the ground Venusaur and Florges sent the petals out in every direction.

Meanwhile in one of the tunnels Serena is watching the performance with Charles Goodshow and Red. "They're looking good out there." Said Serena. "Well of course they are, you did help choreograph the performance after all." Said Goodshow. "Sorry I haven't said it yet, but congratulations on the baby Serena." Said Red. Serena smiled as she put her hands on her stomach, "thanks, it's been a dream come true being with Ash." "Well I'm happy for you both. At least he's better man than me." Said Red. Serena looked at him confused, "what do you mean?" Red sighed and looked down as he shook his head, "a little over twenty years ago I had a chance for a family, but I was young and short sighted, and chose to keep moving forward with my dream of becoming the World Champion. When I came back the mother wouldn't even let me see him, saying I made my choice. So like I said, Ash is a better man than me, he chose a family." Serena looked at him sadly and was about to speak but was stopped by the sound of applause signaling Shauna and Miette were done.

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