Chapter 7

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It was morning in the Alola region, and the sun was just coming through the bedroom window hitting the eye's of a certain young lemon blonde haired trainer. Bonnie stirred in her bed, not really wanting to wake up yet. After a few minutes of this she finally sat up in bed, rubbed her eyes and began to look for her cell phone to see the time. She then saw it sticking out from underneath Dedenne, who was still asleep at the foot of the bed. She carefully pulled it out, not wanting to wake him, then checked the time, "seven AM. Hmmm, might as well get up and eat breakfast." The word breakfast was all Dedenne needed to start waking up. Bonnie changed her cloths, picked up Dedenne and her pokeballs and headed downstairs for breakfast. After getting downstairs she noticed Clemont and Korrina weren't up yet, this didn't surprise her though since the first match wasn't until ten and Korrina's match was the tenth match so they weren't in any rush to get to the stadium. Bonnie released her Pokemon and gave them their breakfast, then put some bread in the toaster as she drank some orange juice and wondered, "hmm, what should I do this morning. I could lay out on the beach again, go swimming in the ocean with Lapras, go check out some of the shops." Bonnie thought and thought, then an idea came that made her smile. As soon as her toast popped she quickly put some peanut butter and jelly on and practically inhaled it. Her Pokemon saw how fast she was moving and ate faster as well so they didn't hold her up. She then returned her Pokemon except for Dedenne who jumped into her bag that was over her shoulder, climbed onto her bike and peddled off.

It didn't take her long to get to her destination, Ash and Serena's house. She peddled to the back of the house and looked around, "Where is everyone?" She wondered as she didn't see any of the Pokemon out. She got off the bike and continued to look until she saw a figure by the beach and headed to it. As she got closer she saw two other figures beside the first. "Good morning Serena." She called out when she was close enough not to yell. Serena being as pregnant as she was couldn't easily turn around, but did recognize the voice, "Good morning Bonnie." Even though she couldn't Delphox and Sylveon which were on either side of her could and also said their greetings. When Bonnie got closer Dedenne jumped out of Bonnie's bag and went to play with Pikachu and Sylveon's evee and Serena's Alolan Vulpix and Pancham. Greninja and Delphox's Froakie was playing in the water with Serena's Primarina. When Bonnie sat down she noticed Delphox holding something very close to her body. "Delphox what do you have there?" Bonnie asked curiously. Delphox smiled and revealed it to be a Pokemon egg. "She had it this morning. It looks like I'm not going to be the only one talking care of a new born around here." Serena said with a smile. "Congratulations Delphox. I bet you hope this one will be a Fennickan." Said Bonnie. Delphox smiled and said in Pokemon speech that she does, but that she will be happy no matter what hatches. Even though Bonnie and Serena couldn't understand her, Delphox and Serena's bond was strong enough for Serena to guess and Delphox confirmed it. Serena then looked to Bonnie, "so Bonnie, what brings you here so early?" "Well, when I woke up Clemont and Korrina weren't up yet, and it sounded like a good idea to visit one of my favorite couples." "So it had nothing to do with Max staying with us?" Serena said with a smirk. Bonnie just blushed and looked around, "by the way, where is everyone?" Serena held in her giggles, as she was amused by Bonnie avoiding the question, "Ash and Max went on a five mile run with their Pokemon, they should be back soon."

The girls talked for a little while longer as they waited, Bonnie was trying to figure out the gender of the baby, while Serena was trying to get Bonnie to admit she had a huge crush on Max. Then they felt the ground start to shake, "right on time. Bonnie, your about to see my favorite part of Ash training so hard with his Pokemon." Bonnie was a bit confused about what Serena ment, so she kept her eyes open looking for her answer. The flying types arrived first, flying over head and went straight for the pool of fresh water set up for the Pokemon to drink from. The water Pokemon, as they got closer turned to the ocean and ran in, while the others joined the flying types at the pool. Ash and Max saw Serena and Bonnie and continued to them. "Good morning Serena, Bonnie." Ash said as he arrived, and then removed his tank top and used it as a towel to wipe the sweat of his face. Bonnie saw a big smile on Serena's face, so she followed her gaze. She then realized Serena's favorite part of Ash's training, as she saw Ash's ripped body covered in sweat as he glistened in the sun. Max saw where Bonnie's eyes were and knew he had to try and break her attention, "Good morning Bonnie." He then lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face. "Good m-m-morning." Bonnie said as she studered as she looked and saw Max had a six pack as well. Max's wasn't as defined as Ash's, but for Bonnie it was enough to make her drool a little bit.

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