1. First day

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I opened my eyes and found myself in a new place. New noises making their way into the crack of my window. I am not quite fond of this, it is very unfamiliar - I find it hard to get a grip of what the point of my being here is. And that's New York, I don't fit in the city that never sleeps, because somehow, I am always asleep - wether it is in my own mind or in real life. Inside the new apartment, it looked good, we did truly upgrade from how we used to live before but it didn't feel like home, at least not yet. I felt more like a guest where I wasn't really wanted. My room was small, it had a rectangular shape and all that fitted in it was my bed, a desk and my wardrobe. I could get a bigger room but my dad insisted on making that his office. That's my father, the doctor, the big-shot, the "I can't really bare to think of anybody else but myself", or was I just being dramatic? However, I settled in my room even though it was smaller than what I was used to - there was something I really liked about it and it was the big window, it brought in some brightness in a place that was full of darkness.

"Santana, come here"  I heard my mom call for me. So I went. "Aren't you going to ask me about the school?" she said.

No. I didn't want to ask her. I wasn't in the mood to care for something I never really asked for. I was going to miss my old friends, people I considered family are now hours and hours away from me, and it hurt me. However, my mother didn't deserve to be lashed out on, she wasn't the bad guy here. Nobody was really, nobody but my dads hesitation to be the one from the hospital where we used to live to transfer to New York. 

"Sure, what kind of school is it mom?"

"You don't want to know right? Can you drop the attitude, honey? You're being selfish sometimes."

"Selfish, right" I mumbled "just tell me about it, I'm dying to know" I said.

She gave me the evil eye, not that it scared me but I pretended it did all the time. I did because I know it makes her happy.

"I'll take you there tomorrow, 8pm sharp" 

"You're coming with me on my first day at a new school?" I asked with so much fear in my voice. 

"No, I meant I'll drive you there. Jeez, calm down" she said and laughed and patted my shoulder before she made her way to the kitchen "when you get there you just need to talk to the receptionist and she'll help you. I've talked to them" she said and started to prepare dinner.


I walked out of the car and waved at my mother. My mother was so pure, her face lit up with a smile when she saw me waving her goodbye. I almost felt bad for wanting her to drive away quickly. Everyone else around the school seemed to have their own cars and they were all in different cliques, a few faces turned as I was walking on the pavement, making my way up to the school. I didn't want to cause a fuss and be the "new shiny toy" of this school. I walked in and the school was huge. As I walked in there was a big picture of the world map on the left wall, and the school reception was to the right of the main the entrance. 

"Hello, can I help you?" she said when the people in front of me left and it was my turn.

"Yes, I'm Santana Lopez" I said and looked around "I'm new here" I said again a bit quiet so no one would catch it.

"Oh, right right! I've been expecting you!" she said and looked all happy. "Or well, usually I'm not this prepared, trust me, that's not really my reputation around here" she laughed, "but your mother, I believe she was, was here a few days ago and filled me in. That's a nice mother" 

I looked at her with an intense aura surrounding me. I wanted her to hurry up but the copy machine she was standing next to, trying to print something out wasn't doing anything. The receptionist stood there with furrowed eyebrows and sighed. All of the sudden it started printing something out and a discreet smile formed on her lips. She looked at what seemed to be a schedule before she handed it over to me. 

"You know where to go if you look at this, keep it this whole semester" she said and smiled.

"But I don't know how to find.." I looked at the schedule in my hands "classroom B121" I said, still intense.

She sighed and uttered the last sentence I heard from her during the whole day. Her voice was dark, like really dark. 

"Follow me" she said and led me to the classroom.

Despite my nervosity to be in this school, the tenor of all my complaints to my mother about it all and my text messages to my friends about me being pissed off about it. I didn't feel so bad at the moment. Maybe because no one approached me and tried to ask me about where I'm from, if I was new to the school, which I obviously was. I wanted to avoid encounters with other people as much as possible.

When I stood outside the classroom, waiting for the lesson to start. It felt kind of weird. No one seemed to notice me, or even care about me being new here at all. Maybe it was because I stood in a corner with my head hidden behind the book I pretended to read or because people in New York acted like this, I had no clue but I was happy about it. I moved here from a really small town. There, whenever someone new started it was the only thing people could talk about for about three days or so. However, time passed and the teacher came to open the classroom door. And that's when it happened. 

"Class, we have a new student" he said and stopped me while everyone else sat down.

I didn't even know this teachers name but I already hated him. I wanted to punch his pale face for making me stand up in front of everyone in class. It was beyond embarrassing. I just stood there, frozen, while all eyes in the classroom were pointed at me, some looked curious and others just looked bored. 

"Introduce yourself" he said and smiled at me as if he was doing me a favour.

"My name is Santana Lopez and I'm just like most of you, 18 years old" I said and looked at my teacher.

"Nothing else you want to share?" he asked.

"No" I said and he just then understood I hated standing there.

I made my way to the desk closest to the window right in the back and sat down while the teacher, Mr Craft, who I know wrote his name on the board just because he didn't have a chance to introduce himself to me earlier, began speaking. He had this ugly brown suit on with a white flannel shirt under and a black tie. His hair looked un-groomed and his face was old and he had a thick white beard hanging. A bit like santa. He was kind of funny looking. If he wasn't a teacher I'd think he was a wizard.

During whole class, literature, I tried to ignore everyone who now and then looked back at me. I pretended I didn't see them. Mr. Craft was talking about Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. I always wondered what it would be like to feel that strongly about someone, to the point where you would actually kill your own self for the sake of your love. I would like to know, although it seems like the scariest thing on earth, I would like to find out what it's like.
I looked out the window and spotted cheerleaders, it was a big clique. They surrounded a table with two benches and it was interesting watching them because even though they were a group of what seemed like friends, they were somehow parted into two groups. 


I stood by the parking lot waiting for my mother to pick me up. I felt pathetic seeing everyone else around me getting into their own cars to be honest. Although I had my drivers license, I didn't have my own car. I looked at the clock and my mom was about five minutes late. She's normally around 15 minutes late so I wasn't surprised. I began to notice more people walking out of school now so I picked the book up out of my bag to seem busy. I peeked to my side now and then to just check if anyone was standing there, luckily no one ever was. Finally my mother showed up and I closed the book, put it in the bag and walked towards the car. While I was walking, I felt someone bump into my shoulder really hard, I stumbled and dropped my book.

"Watch where you walk" I called, but quickly regretted it.

"Excuse me?" the shorter blonde girl said and walked up to me. 

"Nothing, forget it" I said and started making my way to the car again.

Of course, if this was back where I used to live, I would stand up to her, but I didn't want to be known as the new girl who kicked the cheerleaders ass on her first day. 

"Yeah, that's what I thought" she said and passed by me again.

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