35. Bad News

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I woke up around noon, the party from the day before wasn't even remembered even a little bit. All I knew was that I or someone else passed out. Someone passed out but I couldn't remember who it was. All I knew was that I was more than happy that my mother spent the night at my grandmother's place and that my dad never checked up on me during the nights. He trusted me more than he really should. I often felt bad about that. While still in bed, I picked up my phone to check if I had missed something. I had three text messages - one was from Quinn, two from Mercedes.

"Call me when you're up. I hope you're feeling better. Love you" Quinn wrote.

"What happened with the fact that you would stop with the drugs?" said the first text from Mercedes.

"I'm done with you Santana. Please take this the way you're probably thinking it is - this friendship is over" said the second one from Mercedes.

I jumped out of bed and quickly called Mercedes up. After two rings she picked up.

"Hello? Mercedes, why did you send me those text messages? What's wrong?" I stressed.

"You remember nothing?"


"Santana, you're a mess. I can't be around you, I can't stand seeing what you're doing to yourself"

"Please explain to me what I did" I was so worried.

"Ask your girlfriend and please, please stop talking to me" 

"Mercedes what the fuck is happening?"

"If I tell you will you leave me alone?" she asked. 

"Sure.." I said even though it hurt me that she suddenly wanted to break up our friendship.

"So last night around 2am, I got a call from your phone, that woke me up by the way, I picked up and it was Quinn. She seemed almost as high as you were when we helped you into your house"


"You passed out, too much alcohol mixed with too much of the cocaine you're getting addicted to shut your body down, Santana" she said. 

"I don't understand" my voice was shaky.

"Neither do I, but that's what happened to you. I came and picked you up because according to Quinn I was the only friend you were loyal to, which isn't true at all because you've been lying about stopping with the drugs to me but I couldn't leave you there so I drove you and Quinn home" she sighed. "We literally had to carry you in, you were lucky your parents are heavy sleepers"

"So that's it? You're done with me because I passed out?"

"I'm done with you because you're a liar, because you choose Quinn who made your life a living hell before your friends, you're ditching Brittany because she's too nice to you-"

"She tried to kiss me!" I cut her off. "No is no, Mercedes. She's too clingy"

"What about me? and Tina? Are we too cliny?"


"Why do you keep lying then, keep choosing Quinn over us? I never thought you would do that to me, I actually thought we were better friends than that"

"You have to understand that I'm in love with her, it's different"

"Love isn't a excuse for you to ruin your life like you are doing, Santana" she sounded ready to hang up.

"I'm sorry that I disappointed you"

"I'm sorry too. Goodbye, San"

When Mercedes hung up, I sat down to think through what had happened. Basically, I got so drunk and affected by the drug that I couldn't function properly. I overdosed. Just like I nearly did the last time when Quinn stopped me. I was worried about why she didn't stop me this time, was it maybe because she was getting nearly as high as I was getting? I mean, she did call for help and not from anyone - it was help from one of my friends, one of the people she claimed she couldn't stand. 
I couldn't believe that my friendship with Mercedes was over just like that. If it was me, I would be there for a friend who went through something like I did. It made me even more depressed that I didn't have any friends left. Tina, Rachel, Mercedes and even Brittany - they were all gone because of Quinn. Was it worth it? Was the love and the addiction towards Quinn worth more than all of the four friends I gave up? Yes. It was. Quinn would always be my first choice no matter what my other options would happen to be.

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