6. Enough

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Ever since that little incident with Quinn last week, I haven't really been comfortable in school. I've been hanging out a lot with Rachel and Tina as always, but also Mercedes. I was happy I had them in my life, especially Mercedes, even though Tina is a really cool girl, Mercedes is more like me. We connected better and had more to talk about. She knew everything, about what Quinn did, the note - everything. I needed to tell someone so I decided to tell her. I would tell Tina, but she would freak out and overthink everything like it was about her and not me. I felt really gormless for not getting what the note meant yet, I was still thinking about it. Brittany didn't give me any attention again, Quinn didn't either, not since that day in P.E. I had been focusing on Brittany a lot lately, trying to catch her attention for some reason. I didn't know why myself but I got used to her comments about me in the background and now that I didn't hear them I kind of wished I could get them back. It sounds really stupid but I can't get her out of my head. Not since that day in her car. And yet again, it's not that I feel something for her, it's just that I find her ever so interesting. I wanted to know more about her, that was it. She seemed like the kind of person you could have a lot of fun with, that's how I saw her. Everytime I gawked her way she would smile or laugh. She always looked happy, and I came to the end of my interest in her. It was hard for me to understand how someone could be happy all the time. 

All day I had been with Rachel, Tina and Mercedes. We did see Quinn and Brittany a couple of times but we didn't speak. We sat outside today, it was sunny so we decided to sit on the benches there instead of staying inside school on our long lunch break. Our English teacher was sick and they couldn't find anyone to replace him with in time and that gave us an extra hour long break. When we stepped outside, I felt a quick feeling of apricity. It was sunny but yet there was a bit snow on the ground. Yes, weirdly, it started snowing in November. It wasn't much of it though. We made our way to the benches and sat on each side of the table. Me and Rachel sat next to each other, Rachel was in front of Tina and I was in front of Mercedes. 

"Are any of you excited for prom or am I the only one who can't seem to shut up about it?" Rachel said.

"It's months left for prom so right now, yes you are" Tina commented.

"I don't usually get excited for things like that" I added.

"Why not?" Mercedes said and looked up on me and away from her walkman. 

"I don't know, I'm not the type who enjoys proms. I mean, if I go, I'll just be bored" 

"Not with us, we'll have fun together" Tina said.

"What do you say we ditch the boys and be each others dates?" Rachel asked and laughed.

"Come on, it's months left.. Let's plan our prom dates when it's time for that" I answered before Tina and Mercedes did.

She agreed and smiled. I felt bad for snapping at Rachel so many times, she was a nice girl. Very annoying from time to time but she wasn't mean. She was a good friend so I decided not to be a bitch. I guess her idea wasn't that bad. I didn't find any of the boys in school interesting at all so I would rather just go with a friend. 

"Santana, what are you doing after school?" Mercedes asked.

"Nothing really, I'll study a bit I guess" I responded.

"Why don't you come with us?" 

"Yeah that'll be really nice if you did" Rachel said and smile. She was so welcoming it made me feel like a child sometimes.

"Where are you going?" 

"Shopping, and probably go see some movie" Mercedes said.

"You should really come with us" Rachel added.

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