5. Note

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I had been thinking about my ride with Brittany all day long. I couldn't stop, it was so weird to hear someone say it out loud. I didn't ever hear anyone say they hated me becuase "they don't know". I was curious about them and what they actually wanted from me. I demanded to figure it out and I would. Nevertheless, today was a normal day, me, Tina and Rachel were the only ones at the lunch table. Me and Rachel sat next to each other so she kept talking about herself and what she wants with life. I pretended to be listening but really I was just looking for Brittany. And Quinn, I guess. I couldn't see them yet so I faced Rachel and concentrated harder on what she was saying.

"What are your dreams then?" she asked when she finally stopped talking.

"To get the hell out of here"

She didn't answer what I said. She gave me a half hearted smile and started a conversation with Tina just to avoid my pessimistic self. Just that moment, Quinn and Brittany walked into the lunch room. They looked at our direction and when Quinn met my eyes she quickly looked over at Rachel and her face expression was beyond hilarious. She looked pissed, so damn pissed. It made me laugh a little bit and I didn't know why but I couldn't control myself.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" she came up to me and said.

"You, obviously" I said with no fear of her at all.

She looked at Rachel again and Rachel just looked down at her plate like a sad little puppy. It was annoying to watch her be so afraid of Quinn.

"Is she one of your victims too?" I asked and pointed at the puppy eyed Rachel beside me.

"You can say that" she said and smirked at Rachel.

I furrowed my eyebrows and ignored it. I looked at Brittany who as always, just stood behind Quinn and waited for a opening to say something mean. It was funny now that I think about it. They were both very funny.

"Will you ever leave?" I asked when they had been standing there for too long without even saying anything. I succeeded to make them go away though, they left and sat down at their normal table.

"What the hell was that, Rachel?" Tina wondered.

"Nothing, Quinn is just messing with me like she is doing with everyone else" Rachel answered and started eating again.

Something was clearly up but I didn't care enough to even ask or get nosy. The sound of everyone in the background talking still didn't make me think of anything else. I couldn't get Brittany out of my head. It wasn't a crush or even feelings in that case, at all. It was just very hard to stop thinking about her. It really was. Every now and then I would glance over at her table at look at her just to maybe figure out what it was that made her get stuck in my head. I didn't come up with any conclusion. She smiled at her friends and they really seemed like normal, nice girls when you watched them from a far like this. However, when you get to know their type all of your hopes of maybe one day being friends with them or anything like that flies out the window. I found it odd how Brittany didn't even act like she gave me a ride home or that she almost was nice to me, and even more interesting, she didn't say anything to me today. Not a word. Even though she promised, or claimed, she wouldn't be any nicer to me just because of the ride home she gave me. Compared to her previous comments, what she was now, was being nice.

Today I decided to wear a jacket, I felt it was neccessary in case anything like that happened again. I walked to my locker to get my books in order to get my homework done tonight. That's how I spend my Friday nights when I don't have any friends. Or well, I do have Tina. And I guess you could say I had Rachel too. Although we hung out in school all the time we didn't make plans outside school property. Not that I'm upset about it or anything, it's just that sometimes I wouldn't mind hanging out with them outside school, like today. Studying on a Friday night? Not really my first choice, but it was also my only choice. I put the key into the keyhole and opened the locker up. I got my books and shoved them into my bag that was almost full because I had the gym clothes in there too. Not the smartest choice but what do I do? Before shutting it again I noticed there was a piece of white paper folded inside the locker right on the left corner of it. I took the piece of paper in my hands out of curiousity, I didn't remember putting it there. I shut the locker and unfolded it on my way to the bus stop. Two words were written in a girly, yet elegant script. Be safe. The first one I thought of was Brittany, it had to be her.

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