27. Heal

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Pain - nothing describes pain as much as the word 'love' ever could. You fall in love and your whole world becomes blank. You see nothing but the person you want. In some situations it can mean only good news. In others, you're lost. The constant fear of ever losing them haunts you. Whoever you dedicate all your love to, it makes you wish you could embrace them until the end of time. Until nothing but dry land and dark skies exist and every single organism gets sucked into either a dark or light place. That's fully up to who you choose to be - who you chose to be. And everything - just like when you're in love - is blank. And for me, blank hurts. Blank is dead, it has no color. Yet, I for each second that passed got more and more bewitched by the spell I was held under. It was another kind of love I had fallen in. 


"Nothing beats this" she said.

"This?" I asked.

"Us, just us. Nothing or no one else. You know? I'm the happiest when we're alone"

"Isn't that pretty obvious?" I smiled. "I mean, of course.. When we're alone I can do this whenever I want to" I leaned on her shoulder. "Or this" I looked up at her and the hazel eyes struck me right in the chest. I leaned in for a touch of the sweet, in someway fruit tasting lips, a bit like cherries.

 "Or this.." she smiled. Her hand brushed through my hair. 

The park was awfully empty. It was shocking because the weather was incredible and it was getting dark, so people usually came to the park to take long walks or just hang out. The same way we did. Me and Quinn didn't say much for a while. My mind - me, I was trying to figure out how to tell Quinn about what happened with Brittany. For some seconds I decided not to tell her, that it would be better if she didn't know about it. The moment was so perfect, I didn't want to ruin it. I knew she would get really upset. I knew it would ruin their friendship even more. Did I really want to be the reason Quinn loses her best friend? Still, it felt like they only were best friends from Quinn's point of view. I gathered all courage I could and watched her with her head leaned on the big tree we were supporting our backs on. She looked so peaceful - it was comforting to see, it made me calm, fulfilled.

"Quinn," she quickly turned her head, slowly opening her eyes again "I need to tell you something"

 "You can tell me anything" she said, her voice came out viscous.

"Um" I cleared my throat and sat up straight. I moved to sit in front of her with my legs crossed. "You remember I went to the movies with Mercedes and Brittany the other day" 

"I do" she said, leaning straight on the tree trunk. 

"Something happened, it's not really a big, big deal" I brushed my hand against the grass under me.

"What happened?" she asked, this time sounding more interested in what I had to say.

"Brittany," I said "she told me, or she - she admitted she has feelings for me" 

"Oh," she smirked "didn't I tell you?" she didn't sound upset at all. Only bored. 

"You're not angry?" 

"No," she said "I know I can be jealous. Or, I mean, she can't do anything anyway. I know you wouldn't let her" she looked serious. "Correct me if I'm wrong" her voice became demanding. 

"She also kissed me, when she drove me home" I said with confidence. 

"She kissed you?" her eyes widened. "Brittany kissed you" her eyes started up a fire. "And, what did you do?" the no longer bored, confused voice said. 

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