day thirty-four

74 16 0

italics- dr. penn
... -angel

hello angel, my name is dr. penn. i'm a psychiatrist. your therapist, dr. reeves, sent me here to prescribe you an antidepressant.


i'm going to ask you a few questions and i would like you to answer truthfully, alright?


in the past two weeks, how often have you felt depressed or hopeless?


*clears throat* how is your sleep? are you often restless? do you have nightmares?


do you, um, not feel like talking?


okay, uh, just nod your head when i ask something, then.


have you had any thoughts of suicide?


i mean, i know you're in here because of a suicide attempt, but have you had any thoughts since then?


your nurses and dr. reeves tell me you don't eat very well. do you have an eating disorder?


do you prefer to stay in the rehab center rather than going out places?


i think i have my answer now, thank you.

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