day sixty-three

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angel hadn't been taking her antidepressant pills.

whenever her nurse came into her room to make her take the pill, she would put it in her mouth, hide it under her tongue, and take a sip of water to make it look like she swallowed it. when her nurse would leave, she would take the pill out of her mouth and put it in a little baggy in her nightstand.

but two days ago, her hidden pills went missing. it was also the same day that she had last seen nix.

she wasn't sure if nix had took the pills or not, but if he had, what would he need them for? and how did he even know where they were, or that she hid them in the first place?

through her open door, angel saw a couple nurses frantically rushing around, one of them being her own.

angel's nurse saw her through the open door and quickly took a peek in. she looked worried and upset. obviously something was wrong. and if the nurse came in angel's room to tell her about it, it was most likely related to her.

"angel, i have some news," she said.

angel hadn't talked to anyone, not even nix, since her session with dr. reeves. it had been two weeks since she spoke a word. but this situation was scaring her. what if nix had used those pills to hurt himself?

"something's happened," the nurse continued.

"what? what is it? is nix okay?"

"no, uh, angel, there's been an incident."

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