You make me smile...

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A/N: you are italic
Jake is Bold
And mikey is underlined
And Ademir will be this

Alright shitheads what are we doing today?

Finessing some cheeks boi.

Shut the fuck up mikey... what are we doing boys?

Well Natalie... do you wanna go to Wawa?

Ummm is that even a question Jake?

Uhhh I don't know is it?

Of course I do!!!

Well than, Let's go!!!

Geez you two are so weird. Mikey said rolling his eyes.

Well geez someone has to be weird right Jake?


Exactly... but mikey doesn't know how to be weird because he's just a stupid ass.

Oh shut up Natalie I'm way funnier than you!

Mhmmm right because I'm the one that gets scared doing 3 am challenges aha.

She's gotta point manfs.

She gets scared too.

Yeah but not as scared as you. Pussy.

What the fuck? You can't talk to me like that bro!

What the fuck? Yes I can I'm older by 5 minutes. And I'm not your bro... I'm your sister. Bro

Aha you guys always make me laugh when you get in little fights like this but let's go.

Ok Jake *blushing*

Yeah assholes let's go... in the Russian accent

That shit's crazy nice... mocking Mikey

Ohhh look you're finally getting along..

Shut up Jake you're not in this.

Well I wish I was.

You're not bro.

That shit nice dawg.

Ok you need to stop Natalie...

Okkkkk mikeyyy

Alright let's go

In the M4
Mikey is driving
I'm in the front seat
And jakes in the back.

"Her body's gold like September, she burns through the night like an ember"....

Omg my favorite song boys turn it up

Mikey turns it up.

"A little sunshine coz she need it"

Wow you really like this song ay?

Yeahhhhh buddy...

Well that makes me smile that you know the whole song

"Another day in paradise"

"I'll be gone till November... going through the letters that I sent her... and thinking 'bout the moment that I met her.. oh I'll be back in no time in no time"

Mikey's best friend// Jake DufnerWhere stories live. Discover now