Give Him Time

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This is in Jake's POV...

It's been 2 months since Mikey hasn't even thought of me.

I got his twin sister pregnant. Which I didn't try to at all.

"I'm so stupid" I whisper to myself.

"Hey Jake" Natalie says walking in.

I smile at her belly and I think of our future together.

"When should I ask her to marry me?" I think to myself.

"Hey" I finally say. Natalie sits down next to me putting her head on my shoulder.

"Is Mikey still mad at me?" I ask Natalie.

"Maybe. Wanna try and talk to him?" She asks back to me.

"No because what if he wants to kill me again?" I ask her.

"Well at least you'll die a happy man" she laughs.

"Oh speaking g of Mikey. I gotta go to a family thing. I'm leaving for the Middle East in 1 week" she says to me.

"What? How long will you be gone?" I ask her.

"Only 2 weeks" she says to me. She than gets up and walks to my bathroom.

"Are you sure 2 weeks or 2 months?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"2 weeks" Natalie laughs.

"Well the last time you said 2 weeks you were actually in cali for 2 months" I confront her.

"Wow let's cry about it" she sasses off to me.

"Whatever" I chuckle.

"Well I'm going to take a shower" Natalie smiles at me.

"And than I'll pack" she adds.

about 10 minutes later she walks about and she looks so fucking cute.

about 10 minutes later she walks about and she looks so fucking cute

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(With the 4 month baby bump)

"Like what you see?" She giggles catching me staring at her.

"Yes I do" I smile getting up to kiss her.

"I feel small tumbles in my belly sometimes" she smiles. Her fucking smile.

"Since your my baby daddy do you wanna maybe come with us to see my grandparents?" She asks me.

"Sure" I smile at her. She blushes at my smile and I kiss her.

"Aww you two" Ashley says walking in the house.

"Hi Ashley Applecutie" Natalie smiles hugging her. That's been her nickname ever since we met her.

Mikey's best friend// Jake DufnerWhere stories live. Discover now