You Hold On Tight, I'll Hold On Tighter

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A/N: This one may be sad so just to warn you, you might wanna grab some tissues... I personally haven't gone through this myself but I just wanted to do this ENJOY!❤️

When I was about 16-17 I had depression. Mikey didn't see that I was so sad and lonely.

I had depression because of my dad leaving.
I didn't really have a dad all my life like a bunch of people did.

My dad never even stopped by.

Not once.

This made me grow sadder and sadder everyday.

Until one day my mom saw that I wasn't the same.

"Natalie what's wrong?" She asked me.

"Mommy I need help" I broke down crying in her arms.

Till that day I've been going to therapy... none of them take the pain away...

Mikey finally figured out one day.

"Natalie? W-why are you always sad?" Mikey asked me.

"Mikey I'm not ok" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I'm depressed and I don't wanna talk about it with anyone but you" I said.

That day we talked about my depression.

Even though there weren't any scars to prove it.
Or razors to see.

I wouldn't do that to myself...

Mikey than met Jake and I grew to love him.

It was so damn hard to hide it.
It really was.

Mikey changed me.

Jake changed me.

Mike and Jake would always get kicked out of class for doing stupid shit...

But than one day I realized that Jake was stealing my best friend away.

The only one I could talk to about my illness.

The only one who'd listen.

One day I went out for so long and didn't come home till the next morning while Jake was sleeping at our house.

I got the feeling I wasn't wanted anymore there so I tried running away.

But somehow my twin bond with Mikey wouldn't leave me alone and I had to go back.

We've only stayed away from each other for a day or two. I can't go about my day without seeing Mikey.

But I knew he wouldn't listen anymore if Jake was there.

One day, Jake wasn't there and Mikey was back to being my best friend.

"Mikey?" I asked looking at him.

"What's up Natalie?" He asked me concerned.

"It got worse" I whispered.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"Ever since you met Jake. I- I felt alive. But then he took you away. I didn't have my best friend anymore" I said with tears.

"No no Natalie I'm still here for you... I'm always here for you" Mikey said.

"Micheal I feel like dying..." I said.

"W-why Natalie?" Mikey asked crying already.

"I don't have any friends because of the fact Jake Dufner is my twin brothers Best Friend.

"I-I'm still your best friend Natalie" Mikey said crying harder.

"I wish" I said and walked away.

I walked into our shared room with our little brother. He looked at me and smiled his 13 year old smile. I smiled back.

I walked out of the room like I didn't exist anymore.

"Natalie?" I heard my mom ask.

"These tears only help if they stain me" I cried.

"No" I heard Mikey say.

" my tears stain my past." I said looking at Mikey.

"But not your future" he said embracing me in a warm hug.

"While I'm walking away from my past I'm walking into the future. Also. Stained. With. Tears" I say walking out the door.

Jake slowly walked up the stairs.

"Take him" I whisper.

"Take who?" he whispers back.

"Brother" was all I said before walking off the steps and onto the lot.

I sat on the lot thinking about my past.

The pain.

The tears.

The fake smiles.

The fake laughs.

The real cries for help.

The one that was there for me the most.


"Mikey" I whispered crying.

I thought about what I had said to him.

"Micheal I feel like dying..."

I played over and over in my head...

All the tears flowing down my face.

"I wanna make a pact" I whisper to myself through the tears.

"A pact to Mikey" I whisper.

I walk back up to the apartment and see Mikey looking all sad on the couch and Jake on his phone.

"Pact" I whispered to Mikey.

He looked up at me with tears brimming his eyes once more.

"Pact?" He whispers back.

"You hold on tight, I'll hold on tighter"
I whispered and he smiled.

Mikey's best friend// Jake DufnerWhere stories live. Discover now