Chapter 22

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Link gently wrapped the bandage around Zelda's wound, trying not to hurt her further. She was silent as he did, a worried expression on her face. As he finished, he laid a hand on her cheek, but she didn't move to face him,
"The look in his eyes...he truly wanted to.." she murmured. He shook his head,
"I'm going to figure all of this out, I promise. Our family will be safe." He said gently. He then kissed her forehead and stood, "I should check on him." He turned to leave,
"Wait." She said softly. He stopped and turned back to face her, "You seemed so understanding of what Erick was faced with. What...exactly happened while you were away?" He looked down, hesitating,
" a conversation for another time. One I swear we'll have, but it's a long one and we have more pressing matters." He finally said, and she slowly nodded.
Outside, he quickly walked towards his son, who was quietly sitting on the porch of a house a few doors down. His head was in his hands when Link approached, and he silently sat beside him. Not quite sure what to say, the silence between them stretched on for several moments before Link could determine how to comfort his son,
"I want to tell you a story."
The surprise in this statement was clear in the boy's face as he looked up at him,
"A long time ago, there was a boy. He wasn't anything special, just a ranch hand who spent his days fishing and helping out around his village. But one day, a beast mounted on a boar burst into the quaint town and kidnapped several children, including a dear friend of the boy. He went to try and save them, but in the process he was introduced to a mission he was unaware was destined for him." Erick scoffed,
"I know you're talking about yourself. I've heard about your journey before. You were a hero-"
"You heard the glorified version. I'm about to tell you what actually happened." He replied with a pause. "Throughout my journey, I was thrown into a world I didn't know existed. The monsters I faced were more wicked than I could have imagined. I became a hero because that role was forced upon me. What the books don't say, however, is what happened after the final battle. I was not the same person that first set out to save my friends. The evils I had faced destroyed any innocence I had, and I began a battle that proved to be much harder than defeating Ganondorf. The things I did, though with heroic intentions, darkened my soul. It became more apparent when my darkest fears personified in a being that called himself Dark Link. He was a literal embodiment of all darkness inside me. I nearly became the evil I fought so hard to defeat." Erick looked down,
"How did you beat it?"
"Well, for me, your mother was a tether of sorts. I wanted so badly to be the man she deserved that it kept me from falling. Defeating my other self also weakened the influence. However, things are not so simple for you. Your darkness has been awakened, but he has not separated from your body, as I'm sure you're well aware." Link explained, lifted a hand to brush the burnt tips of his son's hair. Erick nodded solemnly,
"This doesn't seem like a great pep talk." He laughed sadly,
"This isn't a pep talk, because that would be unfair to you. I can't say that everything is ok, because it's going to be a struggle, one you can't yet imagine. You're going to be tested, and if you're not careful, you will be waist deep in darkness before you've even realized you've slipped." Upon seeing his expression, he was quick to continue, "I'm not saying it's hopeless; actually quite the opposite. Your mother is the best woman I've ever met, but she fortunately hasn't had to dance with the darkness. She wouldn't know how to help you. I have, and I can guide you. You will stay in the light, as long as I'm living. That is something I can promise." It took several moments for Erick to come up with a response, but then he scrunched his eyebrows together,
"Wait. If Mom kept you sane, how do you know anything about giving in to the urge?" The king sighed, looking forward,
"That wasn't the only time in my life that I was faced with it..Only she wasn't around the second time."
"The seven year trip.." He said with wide eyes, and his father nodded,
"I won't go into details, but believe me I understand." He turned and put a hand on his shoulder, "I will help you get through this Erick." His son glanced at his hand before meeting his gaze. Link noticed a flicker of conflict in his eyes,
"Just don't...don't leave again, okay?" He whispered before the pain faded, gone as fast as it appeared. The boy stood, clearing his throat, "I don't want Mira to have to deal with it. She doesn't deserve that. So, just, stick around." He said casually before walking off. Link watched him leave with a sigh,
"You got it, bud." He said with a twinge of sadness.

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