Normal Day

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I'm Ezra and I'm 17 years old. My normal day is waking up early and taking care of my younger siblings. I am responsible for getting them changed, fed, loved, and entertained. I then get their bags ready and getting them to the babysitter. I clean the house and sit the food out for dinner. But the bad part is I didn't have any kids and I get no freedom. I constantly have to do everything everyone tells me or I get in trouble. Usually when I'm in trouble I get beat down mentally. They tell me I'm no good, lazy, and a freeloader. But in  reality I am the backbone of this crazy family but no one notices. I am called fat and I am told I can't do anything. When I ever want to be a kid and do what kids my age do I am questioned non-stop where are you going, who are you going with, why are you going there. I am also told that I am not trusted and I better not get pregnant but all I want to do is get away. Away from all the yelling, away from all the stress and away from people that bring me down.

The day goes on and I'm back home, I must never be late and I must always answer my phone or I'm being accused of being somewhere I'm not supposed to be. I walk into the door at the exact time I'm supposed to, and here comes the yelling.

"Since your lazy ass wanted to leave the kids didn't want to sleep and they've been driving me crazy all day. It's your turn to take over Ezra or you won't have anyone over or go anywhere, and clean this nasty ass house."

Ahhh the famous words of my older sister, mom never knows how she treats me. You see my mom is sick, she always has something wrong with her and I am the only one who cares enough to help her with everything she needs but I guess that's just how I am. You see I love my family but sometime I wish I can get away from them all. I sometimes think I wouldn't have any trouble but then again they are my family. I love them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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