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"If I met you, I would've remembered you Derek," I said laughing awkwardly.

I haven't seen him before, I'm sure. Something about his brown eyes and dark hair, although normal, made him strike out.

"It was during the first few weeks of school. I had just transferred to your school, this year." He kept saying helping me remember, but I just didn't have a memory of him.

"Did we talk?" I asked.

"If you call ordering Betty to bully me then yes, but if not then no we haven't," he said easily.

"Did they sedate you?" I asked.

"Fuck no," he said looking a bit worried.

"Then what is wrong with you? I bullied you at school, almost ran you over and you're saying you're glad about this, what the fuck is wrong with you Derek?" I yelled.

I yelled because I was confused. Did he like seeing me torn up like this? Is he getting a kick out of this as a revenge for my cold actions towards him?

"You're enjoying yourself aren't you?" I yelled grabbing my bag ready to leave.

I wasn't going to stay another freaking moment here in the presence of this douche.

"I'm not, Alissa," he said rolling his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me you fucking asshole!" I screamed.

I didn't want someone to take my vulnerability to their advantage. That was just cruel.

"Alissa, I said I'm glad only because I know you're not a bad person. Honestly when it happened I was like, what the fuck is wrong with that bimbo? I was never mad at you to get a kick out of this. Jesus, how paranoid are you?" he yelled with a huff at the end.

"I'm not a bimbo!" I yelled.

"Well, you sure are acting like one," he shot back.

"Who do you think you are Derek? You're just a piece of shit student that gets bullied for maybe his hideous looks or his freaking bad taste in fucking girlfriends. You're not a normal guy alright; you're weird and you're a cold hearted bitch who threw himself infront of my car for ATTENTION" I yelled.

"Alissa, you went quite well out of line alright? You don't know me or know anything about me. And just so you know, those red heads you don't like, don't wear skirts that yell, get that D in my V, alright? They're not sluts like you and your minions."

What the actual fuck?

"Did you just call me a slut?" I screamed.

I was seeing red.

Who the fuck does he think he is to call me or my friends sluts?

"I did because you are Alissa. When I asked Casper who you were, after that day with Betty, he said that's Alissa Kai, the school's biggest slut. You just have to squeeze dat pussy for her to like you, at least that's what I did. That's exactly what he said. Can you imagine what other things people say. And I know, for a fact, you're going to cry on someone's shoulder saying that I slut shamed you, but that's just the truth Alissa. The ugly truth," he roared.

I looked him dead in the eye, hoping he'd see my defense walls and not the ones he cracked by his words before grabbing my bag and stormed out of the damn room.

Anthony once asked me what it felt being called a slut. It had been a surprise, that he's talking to me, so automatically, I babbled some shit, but later I truly thought of his question. It's like someone's taking your freedom of doing whatever you want with your body or freedom of wearing whatever you want. It's like caging someone with just one word.

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