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"Go on," he encouraged.

"I feel like I'm drowning. Not the kind of drowning where you're fighting to get to the surface- no, but the kind of drowning where you're the one pushing yourself further away from the surface. It's when your lungs are screeching for air, your legs won't flap, there's a whistling noise in your ear almost making your brain explode, and it's all because you're too scared to make it to the surface knowing all the dark truths that would be waiting for you just above the surface- like a looming cloud waiting to pour it's rain. I feel like even if I manage to swim, the surface is just so far away, and sometimes, I feel like I just want to give up trying to make it to the surface."

"What's making you feel like that? What could possibly be this bad, little phoenix?" 

"You knew Dylan," I paused just to make sure.

"Yeah, I sort of did," Marcus said.

"So you probably know that his best friend worked for our family-"

"Jose, yes."

"Well long story short, Marcus, Jose had quit his job a couple of days before Dylan was reported missing- a day before D went missing. He said that he was going to move to another town and start fresh, but he wasn't due leaving until after Dylan disappeared. I remember, I swung by his mom's place during one of my desperate attempts to find Dylan, and she had assured me that Jose couldn't have been with Dylan, for Jose had left the day he quit, and he had just told me that so he wouldn't have to say goodbye to me-"

"Why?" He asked, and I frowned in confusion. "Why wouldn't he want to say goodbye to you?" He clarified.

"Jose had done the stupidest mistake of his life; he had fallen in love with me."

"It's not stupid nor is it a mistake-"

"I remember coming home from sneaking off with an older boy, and he'd be sitting there on the front porch waiting for me while Dylan's fast asleep on the floor. He wouldn't say a word, but I'd see them swimming in his eyes- God, he was so in love with me, I don't even want to think about it anymore!"

"What happened after you swung by his mother's?"

"Yeah, I had asked her if she was sure, and she told me that he took all of his stuff as some sort of finalization, but I wouldn't believe her. I just felt it; that she's lying- maybe to protect her son, for he left in the wrong time or maybe from something else. I just knew she was lying- I just knew that she knew something- anything- that would've helped us"


"Now, I hadn't seen Jose since that day nor have I heard from him which is odd because he promised that he'd stay in touch- he would've called me or texted me especially since Dylan's been missing for almost a year now. That brings up the question; what if he and Dylan left together? At the park, I'm certain it was Dylan that I saw, but I would never find him in a million years, so I'm going to go looking for Jose-"

"How are you going to do that?" He asked perched up in curiousty.

"If they left together, and Dylan's back, I'm certain I saw him, that means Jose is too. And if one thing jose is, he's a mama's boy; he'll be staying with his mom-"

"Why'd you wait this long? What if they left?"

"As I said, mama's boy; his mother's birthday is this weekend; he'll be here."

"Do you think she'll just tell you to come in and have a cup of tea? Especially if there is a slight chance that he knows what happened to Dylan?" He asked exasperated.

"No, of course not!"

"Well then?"

"I'm going to break into his house-"

"Aly, you could get arrested for that-"

"I don't care! If I could just find something- anything- about Dylan, and what happened, then I'm going after him! I would never forgive myself for letting a chance, that could lead me to Dylan, like this go! Don't you see it? I could finally get the closure I've been seeking-"


"I just want to know that my brother's not laying in a ditch while buggers piss on him, and warms crawl out of his ears, Marcus,l!" I yell exasperated.

"You can get into real trouble," he whispered wrapping his arms around me before pulling me to his chest.

"I know."

"Alright, little Phoenix. When are we going?"

"I'm going sometime in the next couple of days."

"We are; I'm not letting you go on your own."


"It'll make me feel much better if I was outside in case things went downhill."

"Jose wouldn't hurt me," I said distantly scoffing.

"I'm not saying he would, it's just- I- I feel like you're hoping for too much, and if he won't satisfy that hope I- you-"

Oh sweet innocent Marcus and his sweet talking.

"I get it."

"Call me, whenever, and I'll come with you, but just don't do this alone."

"Thank you so much, Marcus," I whispered as I burried my face in the crook of his neck and locked my arms around him.

"Let's get some sleep, little phoenix," he said hugging me back in one of those tight hugs I love.

"Goodnight," I whispered kissing his cheek before I slid under the covers.

"Goodnight," he whispered back leaning to plant a kiss on my forehead before he dropped his head on the pillow. Only a few minutes, and he'll be fast asleep, for he's been working his ass off trying to cover everything again before tomorrow's exam.

I twisted my neck to get a better view of his entire face. I had felt it; the change between us- from my part at least.

If I had thought him my friend before then he's definitely more than a friend now. He couldn't be simply just a friend when he makes butterflies errupt in my stomach when he touches me, when he's on my mind almost every second of the day, when all I think about when I see him is pushing him back onto the wall and fucking him senseless before cuddling with him. He couldn't be just a friend not when he's the only person that can keep Derek out of my thoughts.



Oh, what had I gotten myself into?

"You're staring."

"I'm gazing."

"It's creepy."

"It is," I said smiling softly.





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