Nicked pt. 1

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After a lot of bickering and aimless driving around, we were on our way to our neighboring town. Derek says there's an awesome ice cream polar there. Had I not mentioned that each week Derek takes me out to eat something since he's taken in it upon himself to make sure I eat?

"Yesterday," he started out of the blue but paused for a second.

"What about yesterday?" I asked.

Nothing was significant about yesterday. We almost had sex and that's probably the sole reason why yesterday holds so much insignificance.

"What on god's earth would make you think that I'm back with Rebekah?" he asked almost accusingly.

"Quite a few things that I don't want and will not talk about."

"You're going to do that 'figure it out yourself' thing?" he asked.

"No. I'd rather you don't figure it out at all," I snorted.

I didn't want him knowing that I'm jealous because he holds her hand.

"No, seriously, I want to know."

"keep wanting then, boy," I said turning up the radio.

"I'm never ever getting back with Rebekah," he said firmly lowering the volume.

"If I were you I'd shut up now because you're giving off Taylor Swift vibes right now."

"Alissa, I'm really never getting back with her!" he pressed.

"I heard you the first time Derek," I snapped.

"I'm just making sure you know that," he said rolling his eyes.

"Hey! How come Olly and Rebekah are friends when they're both fighting to get you back?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"They're not friends. Olly hates Rebekah more than she can hate anyone else."

"Doesn't seem like it," I said snorting.

They usually team up against me.

"Besides, Olly doesn't want me back and I've made it clear as day to Rebekah that I don't want to get back with her."

"What are you talking about? Can't you see the way Olly looks at you?" I scoffed.

The girl is head over heals for him.

"You don't know what you're talking about," he said waving it off.

"And you call me naive," I scoffed.

"You are naive," he said.

I slapped his shoulder with a chuckle.

"You're stupid to think I'm naive but you're still naive not seeing the way she looks at you," I mumbled.

"I hurt her. Whatever it is you see in her eyes when she looks at me must be hatred."

"I wouldn't know. I'm naive," I said chuckling dryly.

"I guess Naive is our new favorite word."

"It is."

"How far are we?" I asked.

We've been driving for almost 4 hours now.

"I don't know. Pull over and I'll ask that dude," he said nodding towards the guy on the motorcycle.

I halted to a stop and Derek involuntarily leaned forward and hit his head on the dash board.

"Jesus, Alissa!" he grumbled rubbing his head.

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